Part 6 (Anne's POV)

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I knew Ruby didn't like me, it was obvious. She didn't want to stay with us, but her parents made her. Maybe I could change her opinion on me, no doubt an opinion Josie planted in her mind. But as bad as she is, the girls at the orphanage were much worse, I was so very grateful to be far away from them.

"You girls make your way to bed, you must be tired after tonight" Marilla said as Ruby and I finished our teas.

Ruby started crying almost immediately after we got in bed. "All my dresses will be ruined from the fire" she cried.

"You can borrow one of mine, I have two" I tried to reassure her, but she only started crying even more.

After a while she stopped crying and then asked "is it true that Gilbert saved you from the fire"? She asked.

"Yeah, it is" her expression changed to confusion, as if she was thinking.

"If I tell you something ... you promise not to tell anyone, especially not Diana"? Ruby asked. Diana was my only friend, but if someone trusted me with a secret of course i'd keep it to myself.

"I promise, I won't tell anyone" I said to her.

"I--I like ... Gilbert" She whispered, guilt painted over her face. My face must have shown utter shock because she blurted out "You won't tell Diana, right? She would never forgive me" She said worriedly. I started thinking about all the times she looked sad or mad when Gilbert was talking to a girl, it all started to make sense.

"Of course not, I promised". Maybe I would be able to change her thoughts on me.

"It was nice of him to put the fire out on your behalf" I said with a smile.

"On my behalf ... I never thought of it that way" I saw her smile, she must have liked him for a while.

"Maybe we can bake the boys something and take it to them tomorrow to thank them for working on the house" I suggested. "You'd get to see Gilbert" I added.

"That's a good idea ... it's a shame you're not at school anymore Anne" She said while yawning. Maybe it would't be so bad to go to school now that I had both Diana and Ruby.

Ruby and I made scones for the boys. We started walking up to them, when Ruby tripped and fell in front of them.

"Ruby, are you ok"? I asked, her eyes started tearing up.

"Girls are so pathetic" Billy laughed. I saw Gilbert glare at him, then his eyes met mine, I looked away quickly before Ruby could notice.

"What is wrong with you"? I said to Billy, disgusted by him.

"Why don't you go back to the kitchen, leave the men to their work" I saw Gilberts expression change to utter anger at Billy.

"Why don't you give me that shovel and ill finish that job for you if you're too busy being a bully to get it done"! I yelled back at him as Gilbert made his way down. Everyone but him started laughing at me.

Gilbert helped Ruby up, then cleaned the dirt off her hat.

"Thank you Gilbert" Ruby exclaimed.

"Yeah, thanks for coming to uh--feed the beasts" he laughed, then glanced at me. Matthew came over to talk to me, Gilbert kept glancing over, I didn't want Ruby to see.

"Um" He said to me smiling, I needed to leave before Ruby went back to not liking me.

"Let's go, Ruby" I said as I dared a glance towards Gilbert then walked off with Ruby. I think I will be returning to school I thought on the way back.

What's Meant To Be (shirbert AU)- Francheska IlievWhere stories live. Discover now