Part 7 (Gilberts POV)

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It's like we went back a step ... she was talking to me the night of the fire, and then ... nothing, it's like I wasn't even there. It's also my fault she's not at school, maybe she doesn't forgive me after all.

"Well you shouldn't have called her carrots, dumbass" Charlie laughed as I spilled my guts out about Anne.

"Or pulled her hair" Billy added in "Though, I don't see why you care about what that ugly orphan thinks anyway" Billy added, a spark of anger flashed through me.

"Don't call her that, she hasn't done anything to you, and she didn't choose to be an orphan so just leave her alone" I snapped at him, the whole class was now staring at me. Everyone was dead silent.

The classroom door swung open, breaking the silence. "It's Anne"! "She's back"! Diana exclaimed along with Ruby. I turned my head back to look at her. I couldn't help but smirk. Charlie elbowed me obviously noticing my smile. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Anne as she sat down.

I saw Diana and Ruby looking at me weirdly from the corner of my eye. "Gilbert, I suggest you look at the board instead of Shirley over there" Mr. Phillips stated angrily. Anne looked over at me with confusion all over her face, she glanced at Diana and then back at Ruby. Diana looked at me, shook her head, then rolled her eyes, and Ruby just looked down with a sad expression. 

The class started laughing at what Mr. Phillips said to me. My cheeks heated from embarrassment. I tried to avoid looking at Anne but I couldn't help it, it's like I had absolutely no control over myself.

"Gil, you're making it way too obvious bud" Charlie whispered to me. I immediately looked away from Anne, then rolled my eyes at him.


We were doing the weekly spelling bee in class, it was just down to me and Anne, she didn't look too good though, she almost looked sick. "Engagement" Mr. Phillips said without taking his eyes off Prissy Andrews.

I knew Anne, she wouldn't give up, and she looked so sick. "E. N. G. A. G. M--" I forgot the E on purpose.

"That was the incorrect spelling of the sentiment" Mr. Phillips stated. The whole class started congratulating Anne.

"Congratulations Anne, I should've added the E" I smirked at her. She just nodded then walked back to her seat, I couldn't help it, my eyes trailed down and then back up as she walked. I noticed Diana glaring at me, did she see?


When class was over I started walking towards Anne to try and explain off what Mr. Phillips said in the beginning of class, but was interrupted by Diana. "You like her, don't you"? She asked, keeping her face completely and utterly blank, or at least trying really hard to do so.

"I-no, I don't" Lie. Lie Lie Lie. The truth was, I didn't know. I don't know Anne that well, so how could I know if I had feelings for her?

Diana tried to keep her face blank as she said "She hates you ... she's hated you ever since you pulled her hair and called her carrots". I could feel the utter shock on my face, I didn't know how to reply. Though, Diana left before I even got to.

I didn't know whether to believe her or not, it made sense why Anne would hate me, but, it didn't seem like she hated me the nigh of the fire. I actually thought she had forgiven me after I saved her ... I guess I was wrong. She had every right to hate me, but I would change that.




*Hey guys so I just wanted to say that I know this fan fiction isn't that great I'm sorry lmao. This is my first fan fiction but if you guys have any feedback/creative criticism I would love to hear it and I swear I don't get offended*

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