Part 8 (Anne's POV)

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Mr. Phillips is genuinely trying to ruin my damn life, I mean did he really have to call Gilbert out like that? And it only got worse from there, Gilbert kept looking at me, and I could tell that Diana noticed. Then, I beat him in the spelling bee and he pulled that whole "I should've added the E" line, I rolled my eyes at the thought. It's not that I hated him anymore, in fact, after he saved me I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wanted to smack myself for of it, I felt like I was betraying Diana, and Ruby. Even worse, I started feeling so ill during the spelling bee, my stomach still hurt but not as much. When I got home I would tell Marilla.


Diana and I were walking home, Gilbert was walking further behind us than usual, he takes the same path as us. Diana barely spoke to me, we were almost to her house and she hadn't said anything. "Diana ... is everything okay"?

"What, yeah--yeah everything is fine, Anne" she laughed nervously, I could tell she was lying. There was guilt all over her face, I just didn't know why.  We didn't say anything else until we reached her house. "See you tomorrow" I shouted.

"Bye" She replied. I wanted to know what was bothering my bosom friend, she seemed truly upset. Did it have something to do with Gilbert? She's been sad ever since he ended their relationship. I just wish there was some way I could help her.

"Hey, Anne" Gilbert said startling me so hard I jumped. I couldn't even remember what I was thinking about.

"What are you trying to do, give me a heart attack"? I asked him in all seriousness. He laughed softly and put his hand behind his neck. I started laughing too, and then I immediately remembered what I was thinking about. How sad Diana was because of Gilbert, and here I was, laughing with him. I felt like I was doing wrong by our friendship, of course she didn't want to talk to me, I was an awful friend, she probably regretted ever talking to me.

"Anne, are you--" I started crying. Crying. I didn't even know why. All I had to do was tell Diana we didn't like each other, which was true, but I couldn't control it, the tears just kept coming and coming. Gilbert looked dumbstruck, like he had no idea what to do or say. I just started running, I didn't stop until I was back home. I was still crying when I ran into Matthews arms.

I had spent the last hour explaining to Matthew how Gilbert Blythe broke up with Diana, and how I felt so bad even talking to him, and that wasn't a problem when I hated him—but, I didn't hate him anymore, in fact I had no idea how I felt about him. If I thought Gilbert was surprised when I started crying, Matthew looked like he was about to pass out from shock, he had no idea what he was supposed to say. "Anne, it's not your fault that Gilbert broke up with Diana, and if she's a true friend she wouldn't be upset if you liked him—"

"I most definitely do not like Gilbert Blythe of all people" I denied, but the truth was I didn't know if I liked him, I had absolutely no idea, but that was something I wouldn't admit to anyone, not even myself. "Is Marilla inside? My stomach has been acting up all day".

The weekend passed and I was absolutely miserable, apparently I'm a woman now, though, I don't remember asking to be. Friday night I found out what was wrong with my stomach when I bled out onto all the sheets, then Marilla practically gave me the worst news of my entire life, I was entering woman hood. "But i'm not ready to be a woman"! I had yelled dramatically. Now I also had to go to school while dealing with ... this. Being a woman is hard.


I was on the usual path to school, praying Gilbert wouldn't talk to me this time. I waited outside of Diana's house but she never came. That's weird she usually tells me if she won't be coming to school. Gilbert wasn't too far behind, but it didn't seem like he was going to come up to me. I thought I would be relieved, but some small part deep inside me that I despised was disappointed. I spent the rest of the walk wanting to smack myself for the fact that I actually wanted to talk to Gilbert Blythe—Gilbert Blythe of all people.

I sat in the classroom, the seat next to me where Diana was supposed to be was empty. Once again, I felt bad for wanting to talk to Gilbert. Though, maybe he knew what was wrong with Diana. I looked over at him, only to find him already staring at me ... I quickly looked away as my cheeks heated to a rosy pink and then saw him smirk from the corner of my eye. I rolled my eyes knowing he was looking, then the guilt came back. What was I doing? There was no way I could possibly like Gilbert Blythe. Besides, Diana was my best friend, I would never do that to her ... but, what if she thinks I would, the thought hit me like a damn rock. What if-- what if she thinks I like hi, and she felt guilty because she was jealous. It wasn't Gilberts fault at all, because it was mine.




* Hey guys, i'm sorry this part took so long, writers block is a real bitch, I think I re-did this part four times. Anyways, leave some feedback so I know what I could improve :) I'm excited to write part 9, prepare yourself for some tea sksk*

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