Part 3 (Gilberts POV)

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     I don't recall when my feelings toward Diana changed, but they did, and there just isn't a way for me to bring them back. I would tell her, not now, but today. Right now I would bring Anne an apple, start a conversation, and then try to find out what about her intrigues me so much.

     I sauntered out of the classroom to look for Anne hoping Diana wouldn't see me. I saw her sitting alone with a concerned look on her face, I wonder what's wrong. "hey, um, I thought you might like to try one" I said holding the apple out to her. She kept her eyes forward avoiding eye contact ... again. "They're from our orchard. They're real sweet" I tried again. Her eyes glanced up at me for a plot second then right back down.

     "Please go away" she answered with her teeth clenched, still avoiding any and all eye contact.

     "I beg your pardon" I asked not really able to hear her well.

     "You need to walk away right now" she stated with her teeth still clenched and her eyes still set forward. I still couldn't really hear her.

     "I'm-i'm sorry. I, uh--" I replied pointing at my ear "I can't--".

     "I'm not supposed to talk to you"! she interrupted angrily while getting up from the log she had been sitting on.

     "Why not" I chuckled.

     "Ughh" was her only answer. I weighed the apple in my other hand disappointingly, why couldn't she talk to me? Did Diana maybe say something?

     The fact that she didn't want to talk to me just made me want to talk to her even more, but Diana should be the one I wanted to talk to.

     "Gilbert" Diana said startling me, "I saw you" was all she said.

     "Uh-what" I chuckled nervously.

     "Trying to talk to Anne, she knows what you mean to me, she wouldn't ever hurt me" She said with a sad smile painted on her face.

     "I was just being friendly, she's new so I thought she could use someone to talk to" I lied.

     "Oh, sorry, I-I just thought since you know, we didn't talk all summer that maybe things had changed and--" Diana started, but I couldn't let her continue, and I couldn't lie to her--to myself anymore.

     "Diana" I interrupted, "i'm so sorry" I couldn't think of anything else to say, I've spent the whole month trying to figure out how to tell her, but I never thought the only thing i'd be able to say was i'm sorry. I needed to say something else. "It's just, things have changed, iv'e changed ... I don't think this is working out but at the same time I don't want to hurt you I--".

     "Really? Because you did just that" she interrupted obviously trying to hold back her tears, tears that I caused. Before I could apologize again she walked off. I never wanted to hurt her...


     A few days had past since I told Diana I didn't want to be together anymore. I could feel Dianas eyes on me as I took my seat. There weren't enough words to express how bad I felt, but at least I got it over with, I just wish there was a way I could have done it without hurting her.

     Now, I was determined to get that apple to Anne, since she refused to speak to me last time I tried, maybe now that things are over between me and Diana she would actually talk to me. I glanced at mr. Phillips to make sure he wasn't looking, then I took the scrunched up paper and threw it at Anne's desk. Anne's eyes immediately shot up, bu then she went back to writing on her slate, completely ignoring me. Was it that hard to just respond?

     I had another idea, I grabbed my chalk, looked at mr. Phillips once more, then threw it over at Anne. Everyones eyes, including Annes shot up, Diana was now giving me a confused look, Ruby just looked plain angry, Diana probably told her about our conversation before class.

     I walked up to Annes desk, everyone was gawking as I picked up my chalk, placed the apple on her desk and said "whoops". Her eyes were pinned forward, not even acknowledging that I was here. "Hey" I tried, but it was no use. Before I knew what I was doing I tugged at her braid "carrots" I mocked, bad choice.

     "I'm not talking to you"! She yelled as she took her slate and slammed it at the side of my head. I don't know what I expected when I teased her, but it most definitely was not that, for some reason I couldn't help but smirk. If I thought people were gawking at me before ... half of them looked like they were gonna faint, Diana and Ruby exchanged a nervous glance, but Anne ... she looked more surprised than anyone.

     "You just did" I smirked at her, surprise still plastered all over her face. I watched her eyes trail down to the broken slate in her hands. I stayed there smiling awkwardly for a couple seconds when I decided to go back to my seat.

     "Shirley"! Everyone went dead silent as mr.Phillips yelled. "Get up here now"! Anne left her broken slate on her desk, and started walking up to the black board. All I did today was hurt people, I felt so bad as she walked up, completely ignoring me, which I don't blame her for. "What a vicious act of display" mr. Phillips went on, "is this what they taught you in that orphanage"? He asked. "Anne Shirley has a very bad temper" he said aloud ad he wrote on the blackboard, this wasn't supposed to happen, I couldn't let it go on.

     "It was my fault sir, I-uh-I teased her" I said nervously as I stood up from my seat.

     "Quiet Blythe, that is hardly an excuse" everyone around me laughed, she didn't deserve this, it was all my fault.

     I saw Anne take a step ... everyone stopped what they were doing, she kept walking. "Where do you think you're going"? Mr. Phillips asked angrily, she kept walking, not taking her eyes off the classroom door. "Shirley"! Mr. Phillips yelled again, but Anne was already at the door. She grabbed her coat, opened the door aggressively enough to tell she was angry, then stormed off.

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