Part 11 (Gilberts POV)

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     I couldn't process what had just happened through my head. The one thing Anne didn't want to do was hurt Diana, but now Diana was giving her a stare so rough it could drill a hole through her head. Everything just exploded in a matter of minutes,a part of me wished Anne had smacked that stupid ass smirk off of Josie Pye's face. I glanced at Anne, her face had gone completely blank, two seconds ago she was bursting with fury, what happened? She met my stare, blinked slowly, then took her eyes off me. I tried my best not to look at her, I didn't want mr. Phillips to call me out again, but it was hard, keeping my eyes off her. She met my stare a couple of times , each time she turned away angrily, I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Then I realized Diana was still looking at her—while Anne was looking at me . . .

     Lunch arrived and everyone was whispering about Anne and I, I wanted to shout at every single one of them, put them all in their places. I saw Anne stomping towards me from the corner of my eye and turned my head towards her, she gripped my arm and dragged me out of my seat, she didn't say anything until we were far from school, back on that path in the forest. She let go of my arm finally, I grabbed it not realizing how much it hurt. "Ow, you do realize you could have just said follow me, right"? I said with a goofy smirk. She rolled her eyes. "So . . . Why exactly are we here"? I asked her.

     "Because you need to stop looking at me, Diana was staring the whole time"! She said unable to keep her voice calm.

     "If you don't want Diana to see, why do you stare back"? I asked with a small laugh. Her cheeks heated, showing a rosy color.

     "Because . . . When you look at me" she paused to let out a breath and walked closer "when you look at me like that, I can't stop myself from looking back at you, it's like my whole body is trying to keep my head forward, but my heart just tugs it towards you anyways" she said with a sad smile, biting the inside of her lip nervously. "But, I still don't want to hurt her, Gilbert". I was tired of it, of hearing the same excuse over, and over again.

     "Stop" I paused "stop telling me the same things over, and over again, they are all excuses Anne—they are all excuses to do what's easy. You don't want to cross that line with me because it's hard, because you can't admit that you have feelings for me, because—"!

     "I like you, Gilbert"! she took a deep breath "I like you, a lot, I can admit it, and I can admit that I can't stop thinking about you, It's destroying me because Diana is my best friend, but when I'm with you—" she paused shaking her head, "I like you, a lot".

     I didn't notice how hard my heart was pounding as I walked closer, grabbing her face as our lips met, closing the distance between us. I paused, giving her the chance to pull away if she wanted, but she didn't. I pulled away slowly, a smirk was painted on her face as she grabbed the sides of my coat and pulled me towards her again. I was in love with Anne, I've been in love with her ever since she smacked me with that slate. I wrapped my hands around her waist pulling her impossibly closer to me, as she tangled her hands in my hair.

     "Anne"? Ruby . . . We immediately pulled away from each other, breathing heavily. Ruby looked furious, "I actually believed you"! "I told Diana it was probably all Gilbert, in fact, I came to find you so we could both apologize, You two deserve eachother". She said, disgust filling her voice, Anne was already in tears.

     "Ruby" she sobbed, "please, let me explai—"

     "Forget it" she rolled her eyes, basically spitting the words at Anne as tears fell down her own cheeks. "Anne, you're worse than Josie Pye" Ruby cried, she turned and ran away.

     Anne's crying only got worse "what did I do" she sobbed. My heart hurt looking at her like this.

     "It's not your fault, Anne". I tried to reassure her, she ran into my arms sobbing, we sat on a log and I held her like how I wanted to do the first time I saw her cry. We stayed there until she stopped crying, we stayed long afterwards too, until we forgot all of our worries, we had each other, that was enough for me.




*Drama llama (I'm sorry I need help) sorry this ones short it's just a continuation of Gilbert's POV from the classroom scene with Joise, along with *ahem* *cough* *cough* shirbert kiss *cough* *cough* well I also wanted to say we got to 1k views, thank you guys ily💕*

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