Part 12 (Annes POV)

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     The entirety of that day felt unreal, like a dream. I haven't yet decided whether it was a good or bad dream ... Ruby caught us, it was definitely bad I thought as I sat up in bed. But on the other hand, I had never felt so comfortable with someone in all my 16 years of life, in Gilberts arms ... Maybe it was a good dream, or maybe I was just fooling myself. I couldn't be with Gilbert, my best friends are both in love with him ... what happened yesterday didn't change anything. The only thing left to do now was figure out how to fix things with Diana and Ruby.

     I head towards the regular path, praying to god I don't run into– "Anne"! I heard a voice say eagerly ... You guessed it, Gilbert. I just kept walking, ignoring my problems, it seemed like the best solution at a time like this. "Anne"? He spoke in a concerned voice that made me bite the inside of lip to keep from answering, but it didn't work.

     "I'm sorry" I stated expressionless as I turned to face him, "what happened yesterday" I gulped "it–it most definitely cannot happen again" I stuttered. I saw him clench his jaw, I had never seen someone so handsome ... too bad he could never be mine.

     "Anne" he managed to get out as his narrowed his eyebrows in a confused way "is this about Ruby and Diana"? He inquired "because I thought we had talked about that, you shouldn't be spending your whole life looking out for everyone's feelings but your own–" he said a bit angrily before I interrupted.

     "Watch me" I remarked. "Now Blythe, I best be on my way before i'm late for school" I continued as I started making my way back down the path, but he got in my way. I started walking past him, but he moved in my path once again. "Really"? I asked him rolling my eyes.

     "Why can't you let yourself be happy? Why do you always try to make everyone but yourself happy"? I looked up at him, making direct eye contact "I don't want Diana, or Ruby" he added,  my heart started thundering through my chest, he didn't understand how badly I wanted to let myself be happy. "I just want yo–"

     "Please" I blinked slowly "please Gilbert,  just shut up before I change my mind" I whispered looking away from his face, he grabbed my chin to make me face him ... again.

     "Why don't you make me"  he whispered breathy in my ear. I clenched my jaw to restrain myself from doing anything I would come to regret ... no matter how much I wanted to.

     I took his hand off my chin and looked down at his hand, I wanted to hold it, but I had to let go. "Don't make this harder than it already is" I said to him, he clenched his jaw, then he stepped out of my path and let me go.

     As soon as I stepped into the classroom everyones eyes were on me, they must have heard about what Ruby saw. I scanned the classroom and when I saw Cole and Charlies smirks I knew it was exactly that. I stood there with the class staring at me in awkward silence, except for the whispers between the others when Gilbert walked through the door. The class didn't know who to look at now. Gilberts eyes shot at me and I immediately looked away before someone noticed... everyone noticed. I gave him a sarcastic "nice going" look, he just smirked.

     I took my seat next to Diana, I saw her eyes on me from the corner of my eye. I take it Ruby told her everything then. "Diana, I–" I started to say but she interrupted.

     "At the beginning of this year when I asked if you liked Gil you said you would never do that to me" She said sadly, but then her expression changed "you can't fix what you did, but it was my fault" she continued, I gave a confused look. How was it her fault.

     "All I can say is i'm sorry, and that I hope one day you could find it in your heart to forgive me for making a mistake" I said softly.

     "Anne ..." she smiled. Now I was even more confused "if you're going to apologize, at least don't lie" she chuckled. I had absolutely no clue what was happening now, i'm sure she could see the utter shock painted over my face because she laughed and said "you love him, don't you..." but I didn't have to answer because she already knew. "If you love him, then it wasn't a mistake" she said almost to herself, as if she was just realizing it "he doesn't like me anymore, which means i'm just standing in your way ... I am the one who should be sorry Anne, not you" I just sat there completely dumbstruck, my eyes were wide, and my mouth hung open, she just laughed.

     "Thank you Diana, but there's still Ruby to think about" I told her quietly so Ruby wouldn't hear since she was behind us. I looked at Gilbert to see he was already staring at me, I looked away and bit the inside of lip to keep from smiling. When I turned to Diana she had a smirk plastered on her face, I couldn't help but laugh. Though, when I turned to Ruby she was glaring at me and whispering something to Josie.

     Nothing special happened in class, except for the usual looks from Gilbert, and glares from Ruby. "Anne, don't say anything to anyone yet, but aunt Jo is hosting a ball for the school this next weekend" she exclaimed. A ball, I've never been, obviously, but how I would love to go to a ball.

     "She is, how thrilling. I need to get a dress ... with puff sleeves" we laughed.

     "Maybe..." she paused "maybe Gilbert will ask you to go" she smirked, I rolled my eyes.

     "I told you. I told him we could never happen, not with Ruby–"

     "Anne, stop it. I was wrong to be angry at you, and so is Ruby. You need to let yourself be happy for once Anne Shirley-Cuthbert" she interrupted, I knew she was being serious when she used my full name.

     "Not the first time I've heard that said to me today" I murmured.

     "Anne Shirley-Cuthbert"! Again with the full name "spill. Everything". She said with a wide smile. So I did. I told her how Gilbert told me to stop making excuses, how he kissed me and Ruby caught us, how today he had told me to let myself be happy, and how he almost kissed me again. By the end, Diana was smiling like an idiot. We talked all the way to her house, then I continued on the path alone, left with my thoughts.
*hey guysss my friendships back🤧 anyways leave some feedback no one likes a silent reader 😂 and I have some fun plans for the next part, hopefully I don't get writers block😬*

What's Meant To Be (shirbert AU)- Francheska IlievWhere stories live. Discover now