Part 4 (Annes POV)

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I was never, ever going back to that dreaded place. School, it had sounded so wonderful but it was the complete opposite. "and don't even get me started on Gilb-- that boy" I said to Marilla wiping the tears from my eyes, I had thrown myself in her arms when I got back. I promised myself to never speak his name after what he did. "his soul purpose is to humiliate me, I can never go back there ... oh please Marilla don't make me go i'll do anything" I begged.

"Well now Anne, why don't you stop your yammering, i'm sure you will want to return to scho--"

"No"! I interrupted "I am never going back there" I continued. Marilla say I could stay home and help her with chores instead of going to school, i'd do anything if it meant not seeing Gilbert ever again.

The next couple of days weren't very productive, except for the chores I was helping Marilla with. I met also met Jerry, I still don't understand why Matthew and Marilla would hire a working boy, I could have just as easily done the work myself.

I had to say, not being able to see Diana was truly upsetting--but she was the only one in school who accepted me and I just didn't think that was enough when everyone else hated me.

I was lying in bed thinking about how different things would be if I had just made a good impression, or if Gilbert never came. The thought faded into a dream, a dream where I was beautiful. My hair was a raven black like I had always wanted, and Josie actually liked me, where Gilbert and I never walked together so he called me carrots. Carrots, what an awful thing to say to someone. I mean what kind of pers-- the alarm startled me awake, throwing me out of my thoughts.

"Matthew, Marilla"! I screamed, was that a fire alarm? The sound was stinging my ears but I tried to ignore it. I hustled out of bed to look for them. "Matthew"?

"Anne"! Marilla yelled "theres been a fire at the Gillis's house".

"Is everyone ok"? I ask concerned.

"Everyones out of the house, we need to go help take the fire out" she replied motioning with her hands for me to hurry

"Oh poor Ruby" I said grabbing all the buckets of water.

It was complete chaos when we arrived at the Gillis house, I saw Ruby's family huddled together.


"Diana"! I yelled back laughing as I pulled her into a hug.

"Oh Anne, it's been so awful without you at school, having to see Gilbert everyday after what happene--"

"What do you mean"? I asked. What did that awful boy do this time.

"Oh ... I guess you didn't know. Gilbert ... ended our relationship" Diana said as her eyes started to tear up. "He said he just ... didn't feel the same" she continued.

"Diana ... I'm so sorry, he doesn't deserve someone like you" I told her.

"Bring them up, faster. We need to take this fire out" Diana and I swung our heads towards the origin of the voice ... Gilbert. I saw Diana look away, her face painted with sadness.

I could tell Gilbert spotted us, He gave me a look that seemed to say i'm sorry. I immediately looked away.

What's Meant To Be (shirbert AU)- Francheska IlievWhere stories live. Discover now