Part 20 (Gilberts POV) *final part*

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     It was just like Josie to do something like that, trying to get Diana and Charlie to break up, and possibly Anne and I, the thought made my blood boil. "Hey, calm down, she didn't succeed" Anne reassured me as if she read my mind.

     "I know ... it's just, I just got you back. I— I just don't want to lose you again" her lips curled up into a smile, and she leaned in to press a soft kiss on my mouth.

     "I can assure you, Gilbert Blythe, that you shall not ever lose me" she said confidently with her head held high, and I believed her.

     "good. Now I believe we have someone to confront" I said with a smirk plastered on my face.

     "I believe you're correct" she stated returning the smile. If I could look at her smile for the rest of my life, i'd be satisfied, I thought to myself.


     Anne led the way, as we walked towards Josie, who was placing her drink in the water to keep it cool. Diana and Charlie weren't too far behind us.

     "Can I help you?" Josie spat as she narrowed her eyebrows. I could tell that Anne's anger was about to boil out.

     "Are you so pathetically jealous of Diana that you had to do something like that?" Anne spat right back holding her chin high. Josie's expression shifted into annoyance as she rolled her eyes. "Well, your silence answers that question, though, we already knew."

     "Well I don't know why i'm the only one you're confronting, Ruby helped." All of our mouths dropped. Ruby, of all people, actually helped Josie break up Diana and Charlie. "Ruby!" Josie said spotting her walk outside from the school. Ruby's face turned towards us, we could all notice the flush in her cheeks.

"um ... can I—uh—can I help you guys with something?" she stuttered nervously as she but the side of her lip. Diana spoke before anyone else got the chance to.

"I trusted you Ruby" she said with a frighteningly calm tone. "How could you do this to me" the calm in her voice shattered as her tears started flowing out.

"I didn't want to hurt you, I signed Gilbert's name to break them u—" she came to a stop as she realized what she had just admitted. I looked over at Anne, any bit of anger she was holding in was about to come out.

"So you're saying you did this because you wanted to break Gilbert and I up?" I layer a hand on her shoulder.

"Ruby ... i'm sorry, but i'm with Anne" I said softly. She ran back inside the school before anyone else got that chance to speak. Josie left too, then Diana and Charlie.

"Guess it's just us now" I said with a small smirk, but she was still frowning. "Anne, we will fix this, Ruby will eventually get over it" I tried to reassure her. She just nodded at me and continued up the stairs to the school.


I saw Anne heading towards Ruby, I decided not to follow her and walked towards Diana and Charlie who were talking to Josie.

"I'm sorry" I heard Josie say.

"Did I just hear the Josie Pye apologize, or should I be getting my ears checked?" I laughed.

"You better savor it Blythe because you won't be hearing those words come out of me ever again" she said with her chin held high. We stopped laughing as Ruby and Anne walked up to us.

"I think it's safe to say that we are all good" Anne said proudly.

"No more fighting?" I asked as I rose my eyebrows

"No more fighting" everyone repeated at the same time. We seated ourselves as class started.

It's been quite the journey since Anne arrived, but I don't regret falling in love with her for a second. I looked over at her to find her already staring. I smirked as I grabbed an apple from my bag and walked over to her desk. Even mr. Phillips laughed when I placed the apple on her desk,"hey" I said with a smirk.

"Hey" she answered with a smile that spread from ear to ear. I looked at that smile, Anne's smile, and felt at home.


*wow this took me too long to update, but I just wanted to thank everyone who stuck around with my first fan fiction and i'm sorry it's coming to an end, this has been fun and there's definitely more to come*

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