Part 9 (Gilberts POV)

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     She had started crying, I hadn't known what to say or do. Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, the bravest, strongest girl I knew, started crying right in front of me. It came out from no where, one second we were laughing, the next she was bawling. I tried to chase after her, but I wasn't able to catch up. I thought about what Diana said, she hates you. That's what I wanted to ask Anne before I nearly frightened her to death and forgot everything I was supposed to say. Maybe Diana was lying, I needed to talk to Anne about it.

"Gilbert Blythe" I heard Mr. Phillips say I snapped out of my thought, and moved my head over to the board instead of at Anne.

"Sorry sir, what was the question"? I asked with a hand behind my neck nervously. Anne was even distracting me from class, not even Diana managed to keep me from my work.

"The only question here is why on earth you aren't paying attention in my classroom"! He yelled in response. "I take precious time out of my day to teach you, and you're staring at Shirley, and for what? Are her freckles and ugly red hair distracting you mr. Blythe"? The last sentence hit me like a stone, anger shined through me. I looked over at Anne, her freckled cheeks were bright red, and she looked down as her eyes started tearing up. I clenched my jaw so hard I thought my teeth would crack, but, I couldn't control the anger running through me.

"The only ugly thing here is you, Mr. Phillips" I basically spit his name out, "inside and out" I added. Everyone's mouthed hung open, Anne's eyes were red and on me. Ruby looked at me and shook her head in warning for me not to continue. Anne's head turned back, she was looking at Josie Pye who was laughing.

"It's not like mr. Phillips is wrong" she whispered loud enough for us to hear. Anne turned her head around the classroom, everyone was looking at her. Before anyone could say anything else, she ran out of the classroom, slamming the door behind her. I wasn't gonna let her cry alone. This time I would catch up to her, I got up from my seat and ran out after her.
"Blythe"! "Where do you think you're going" mr. Phillips shouted, but I ignored him.

"Anne"! I saw her stomping down the usual path we both take, she wasn't that far. "Anne"! I yelled one more time, I knew she could hear me. "Why are you ignoring me? I stood up for you" I argued. She halted her steps, but didn't turn around. "Are you just gonna stand there without saying anything"? I continued. She still didn't move, wouldn't even turn around. "Look i'm sorry ... i'm sorry for pulling your hair and for calling you carrots, I am so sorry you hate me, Anne, I am--"

She sped around and started towards me stopping only a few inches away, "I" she paused, "I Don't hate you" she whispered, interrupting me. We were close enough to be sharing a breath, I tried not to look at her lips. "I tried to hate you Gilbert, for Diana and Ruby's sakes. And it worked, for a while, But ..." She gulped "I don't hate you, and that's exactly the problem". Did she say Ruby's sake? What did Ruby have to do with any of this?

"Ruby's sake"? I asked still stunned. Her mouth fell open, she didn't know what to say.

"I--I didn't mean to say anything about that" She stuttered nervously. We both stood there, only inches apart, completely silent except for our breathing. I gave in and looked down at her lips, then backe up at her eyes. She took a deep breath, clearly noticing, and backed away slowly, then she turned around, and walked away, leaving me with too many unanswered questions.

What's Meant To Be (shirbert AU)- Francheska IlievWhere stories live. Discover now