Part 13 (Gilberts POV)

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All everyone was talking about this week was the upcoming ball. Charlie was planning on asking Diana, I wish I could ask Anne, but she made it perfectly clear nothing could happen again between us. I looked over at her from my seat, she and Diana were laughing, I realized I could listen to the sound of her laughing forever. "Gil, you're staring" Charlie whispered startling me.

"I-uh-no I wasn't" I denied. Lie. But how could I not stare, the girl I wanted to be with for almost a year now told me it wouldn't ever happen. Was I supposed to just keep the memory of that one kiss forever? I mean, not that I minded, but that couldn't be all. I turned back over at Charlie.

"Not staring huh"? He said sarcastically with a smirk. "Why don't you just ask her"?

"She told me—" I started but was interrupted.

"Hey Anne" Charlie shouts from across the classroom.

"What are you doi—" I whispered as my heart started pounding, but was interrupted again, I was going to kill him.

"Gilbert wants to ask you to the ball, what do you say"? Charlie laughed. The classroom froze, there weren't even whispers. I looked at Anne, but she was looking at Ruby who looked like she was going to cry. Dammit Charlie. Anne turned to face me, she opened her mouth like she was going to say something but Josie decided to open her mouth instead.

"Why wouldn't you say yes Anne"? Josie said looking over at her. I could feel anger rising up in me like a burning flame.

"I-uh-I wouldn't want to hurt my friend" Anne said looking at Ruby who just rolled her eyes.

"Oh, so now you decide to think about your friends? Did it just happen to space your mind when your disgusting lips were all over his his"? She laughed. My heart stopped, if Anne didn't give her a piece of her—

"Yes it did, and I immediately regretted it afterwards". She paused as if debating whether to say something else then she continued "Though, if it were you I'm sure you wouldn't have thought twice about Ruby since you like to put your lips on anything that would get close enough—oh, I guess that would exclude Gilbert then" Anne snapped. Everyone was looking at them wide-eyed and shocked, including me.

Josie's mouth hung open, for once she was speechless. Before she got the chance to think of a response, Mr. Phillips bursts through the door.

I don't know the last time I saw Mr. Phillips this angry, I looked back to see that Prissy wasn't here. I wonder if something happened. Last I heard they were engaged. Then I heard someone behind me whisper that Prissy rejected his invitation to the ball, and returned the ring. As disguising as they were as a couple, I knew exactly how he felt . . . Not being able to be with the person you want . . . It was torture.


Class was over, and I have decided that I wasn't going to take her excuses anymore, I was going to go over to Green Gables right now and ask her to the ball. She had to understand that Ruby will get over it . . . And herself.

I tried to think of what I would say on the way, but nothing came to mind. Hopefully I thought of something good by the time I reached Green Gables. "Boo"! I heard a voice behind me shout, scaring the hell out of me.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed out in a voice that was way too high for my comfort, my cheeks heated in embarrassment. As I threw my hands out into a defensive position, I saw that the voice belonged to Diana. I narrowed my eyebrows confused.

"Hey Gil" she chuckled softly, "I just wanted to say, I'm fine with you and Anne, she deserves to be happy . . . You both do. So, I'll try to convince Ruby to calm down a little" she laughed.

     "You know, she never wanted to hurt Ruby, or you." I said quietly.

     "I know . . ." She replied with a guilty look "I lied, when I told you she hated you. When I realized it was a lie, I couldn't look at her, or talk to her because I felt so guilty." She admitted. "Now, go, ask her to the ball, and don't leave until she says yes." She said grinning from ear to ear. I just laughed and started back down the path as I said my goodbyes.


     "Thank you Jerry" I heard as I walked to the barn, where Marilla told me Anne would be. I peaked in from the side so she couldn't see me, only to see her hugging a boy our age, my heart dropped. "I would say pick me up at 7 but you will already be here" I heard her laugh. Why would he already be there? And where were they going? Then it hit me, like a damn punch to the face . . . He was taking her to the ball.
*hey everyone, sorry this ones a little short, it's a bridge to Anne's POV which will be much longer. Hope you guys are excited :))* AND NO JERRY AND ANNE ARE NOT A THING EVERYONE CHILL LMAO MY MESSAGES ARE GETTING SPAMMED JUST WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT PART😂😬

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