Part 14 (Annes POV)

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I wasn't planning on going to the ball, since I couldn't go with Gilbert, and I didn't want to go without a date, Diana was going with Charlie, and Ruby was still not talking to me. I ranted about it to Jerry for at least an hour, then he said he could take me, as a friend of course, so I said yes. Though, I couldn't stop thinking about what Charlie said in class about how Gilbert wanted to ask me. I told him nothing could happen between us, but Ruby still hates me, and nothing is going to change that, so why should I continue to stay miserable? Although, I think it's too late now.

     "Anne, could you take this pie to Gilbert Blythe's house for Gilbert and Sebastian? I seem to have made one too many" Marilla chuckled. I immediately dropped the toast in my hand as she said his name. "Anne, what has gotten into you?" Marilla asked. If I say no then she will want to know why, saying yes is the only option.

     "Sorry Marilla, of course I'll take the pie over to Gil—bert, Gilbert." I corrected as my cheeks heated into a rosy color. Marilla just laughed, if she found out I kissed him I bet she wouldn't be laughing I thought to myself. I said my goodbyes to Matthew and Marilla and made my way to Gilbert's house.


     I knocked on the door to his house, a part of me hoping he wasn't home but with my luck, of course he was. He opened the door and his smile quickly faded, he looked shocked, or maybe angry . . . was he mad at me? "Marilla wanted me to bring you this pi—"

     "If you wanted to be with someone else you could have told me . . ." He said blankly, but I could tell he was hurt. Only, I didn't know what he was talking about. I opened my mouth to say something but he interrupted again "you didn't have to make up all the excuses about Ruby and Diana" I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

     "What do you mea—"

     "Tell Marilla I said thank you for the pie, it looks delicious" he interrupted, taking the pie before I could even finish one sentence.

     "Gil—" I started but he shut the door, I stood there for a couple of seconds trying to process what just happened, then turned back and made my way home, trying to hold back the tears that were starting to form in my eyes.


     "Anne, hold still, I can't tie this with you moving around so much" Diana said to me while trying to Fix my dress, but I couldn't help it, the corset was so tight I thought it would crush my ribs. The dress was a delightful light blue with a cream undertone, it had stunning blue flowers and puff sleeves. It resembled the light skies on a beautiful day, or a blue lake on an early morning. It was a one of a kind, had barely reached the stores, but Jeannie made an arranged to get it for me. "There . . . wow Anne, you look—are you okay"? I had started crying.

     "Why did I have to fall for Gilbert Blythe?" I cried, I didn't even know where it came from I just needed to let it out.

     "I think he's asking himself the same thing about you . . . why didn't you say yes when he asked you to the ball?" I snapped my head towards her and narrows my eyebrows, what was she talking about.

     "What, he never—" I paused, it all came to me now. "Diana. . . did he stop by Green Gables yesterday after school?" When I hugged Jerry after he said he would take me to the ball, Gilbert was there. "I told Jerry I didn't want to go without a date and he said he would take me, as friends of course, but I hugged him and I think Gil. Oh god." I was so stupid.

     "Anne, Jerry's here" Marilla yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Maybe I could explain the situation to Gilbert if I saw him.

     Diana, Charlie, Jerry, and I climbed on to the carriage and started towards Charlottetown, it was going to be a very long night.

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