Part 18 (Josies POV)

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If they wouldn't break them up, I'd have to make Charlie and Diana think they did, and I already have an idea in mind. I casually stroll towards Ruby who's looking out into the crowd, for Gilbert most likely. "He's with Anne" I said rolling my eyes, trying to keep from grinning. Her expression dropped. "Do you wanna help me with something Ruby?" I asked innocently.

"Depends, what do you need help with?" She curiously.

"Well, I want to break these two people up, and I need your help" I stated with a smirk.

"Well who? And what's in it for me?" She asked narrowing her eyebrows. I needed to convince her that breaking up Diana and Charlie would be a good thing for her.

"Diana and Charlie" I started, her mouth fell open and before she could say no I continued speaking "we would send them letters, making them think it was Anne and Gilbert" she looked confused so I elaborated. "We will write Diana a letter signed as Gilbert explaining how Charlie is breaking up with her and didn't want to tell her himself. Then, we will send one to Charlie but It would be from Anne." I explained mischievously. Ruby looked like she was debating it. "Besides, Diana chose Anne's side with Gilbert, you could get back at both of them" I urged.

"Well, I never thought of it like that ... i'll help you" she decided. My smile grew wide and wicked.

"Well then let's get started, we've got work to do" I stated. This was going to be fun.




* Here's the continuation that's Josie's part. These were short because they are just abridge to the next parts :)*

What's Meant To Be (shirbert AU)- Francheska IlievWhere stories live. Discover now