FP #3: The Pig

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The Pig

by: John Doherty

One day I was looking into a field
At a pig that was grazing there
When a farmer came along and said
"With him, none can compare.

"That pig is a walking genius
There's nothing he cannot do
He dragged the doctor to the house
When I had a dose of flu.

"One dark night last winter
Thieves attempted to rob my farm
He quickly got into his stride
And set off the burglar alarm.

"My granny fell down the stairs
Once when all alone
He managed to call the ambulance
By grunting into the phone.

"Then there was the incident
The hay, it went on fire
He rescued all the cattle
By opening up the byre.

"And on another occasion
Two sheep fell down a hole
He was able to rescue them
By climbing down a pole."

The farmer said, "He can do many tricks
At a command he sits and begs."
And while he was demonstrating this
I saw he had only three legs.

"I see he has lost a leg," I cried,
"No doubt in some courageous act
Attempting a daring rescue
Or keeping someone's life intact."

"Not really," said the farmer.
He stopped and tickled his head.
"I'll tell you about the leg now
And then he goes to bed.

"Beside him the cleverest animal
Would look like a stupid dunce
So when you get a brilliant pig like this
You don't eat him all at once."


AN: The poem entitled "The Pig" is written by John Doherty from the book Drogheda Writes which is given to us by Drogheda Creative Writers. The book is an anthology of poems, stories and memoirs celebrating the writing talent of Drogheda.

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