~The Problem~

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Third P.O.V

Shiro carefully placed Keith in the healing pod and stood back. The healing pod closed around him and Shiro let out a relieved sigh.

"That was a close one" Lance said from behind, making Shiro jump a little.

"Yeah. At least Keith will be alright now"

As if on queue, the healing pod Keith was in opened and Keith flopped forward, being caught by Shiro.

"Um. Isn't the healing pod supposed to take longer then that?" Lance asked. Keith slowly looked up at Shiro, pain still evident in his eyes.

"W-why didn't it.... d-do a-anything?" he asked, his voice weak and frail.

"Lance, can you go and get Coran?" Shiro asked, pulling Keith up into a more comfortable position. Lance nodded and left the room. Keith let out a small whimper and shifted slightly.

"Don't worry Keith, we'll sort this out and you'll be in the healing pod in no time." Shiro felt like he was trying to reassure himself as well as Keith. Keith nodded and faintly smiled.

Soon Lance returned into the room with Coran trailing behind him. Coran immediately began typing on Altean computer, peering up at the pod now and again.

"Ah. So my prediction was correct"

"What prediction Coran?" Shiro asked, sitting Keith down and peering over at the computer.

"Well it seems as if the planet we visited made it impossible for Keith to be healed by a healing pod." Coran said, twisting the end of his moustache.

"So what are we gonna do? We can't just leave Keith like this!" Lance exclaimed, gesturing to Keith who had his back against the healing pod and his eyes closed.

"Well I'm afraid all we can do is look after Keith the human way and hope that he gets better" Coran said, a sad look on his face.

"Do you know the chances of him making it through this?" Shiro whispered to Coran, not wanting to alarm Keith.

"There is a 15% chance of survival. We will just have to hope for the best"

Shiro nodded and walked back over to Keith who was whimpering quietly and breathing heavily. He knelt down to Keith's level and put his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"We are gonna have to look after you until you get better okay?" Shiro said softly, lifting up Keith's chin so he was looking straight into his eyes.

"A-am I.... g-g-gonna d-die... S-shiro?" Keith whimpered.

"Of course not Keith. You'll get better, I promise" Shiro replied. He then carefully picked up Keith bridal style and turned to face Lance.

"I could do with some help looking after Keith. Would you be able to stay with him while I look for things that could make him feel better?"

"Of course" Lance replied. Shiro then began walking towards Keith's room.

Once they got there Shiro placed Keith down on his bed and Keith grumbled in pain and flopped onto his stomach. He was shivering violently so Lance pulled the covers over him.

"I'll be right back with a thermometer and a some stuff for your hand" Shiro said as he left the room.

Lance sat down at the bottom of the bed and looked at Keith who was rolling around uncomfortably, grumbling slightly.

"Lie still mullet, you're only gonna make this worse for yourself" Lance said, placing a hand on Keith's foot. Keith stopped moving and lay on his back, his arms sprawled across the bed. He was breathing heavily and whimpering slightly.

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