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Keith's P.O.V

My head was spinning, my stomach was flipping and my whole body was aching. I tried to listen as Lance and Shiro talked but focusing was extremely difficult. My brain felt slow for some reason and I couldn't exactly grasp what they were talking about.

Suddenly, Coran burst into the room with a clipboard in his hand.

"I've come to tell you about some symptoms Keith may experience while ill!" Coran explained loudly, making my head throb. I buried my face into the pillow and did my best to block the sound out.

Shiro's P.O.V 

I noticed Keith bury his face into his pillow, obviously not wanting to be involved with this conversation. I patted his leg gently and looked to Coran.

"I'm going to read out some of the list and then we can test to see what symptoms are in place at the moment. No matter now weird they sound we must test them!" Coran exclaimed. "First one. Death."

Lance poked Keith's leg, making him turn so he could see Lance.

"Well are you dead, Keith?" Lance asked. Keith looked at Lance blankly for a few seconds before rolling his eyes.

"What do you think!?" He mumbled, rolling over onto his back.

"Well you're super pale and you look kinda dead" Keith gave Lance a glare and I chuckled, rolling my eyes at the two of them.

"Next symptom. Vomiting and vomiting blood" Coran said.

"I threw up but no blood yet.." Keith said, closing his eyes.

"Okay. Ah, here's an unusual one! The disease the planet gave you can affect your brain cells, making it hard to think. Are you slow at all, mind wise?" Coran asked, Keith blinked a few times, a confused expression on his face.

"W-What was the question again...?" He asked, rubbing his head. I patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. Check that one off as a yes, Coran" I said. Keith looked super confused but didn't ask anymore questions.

"Okay. Next one is memory. Can you tell us your name?"

"...Keith.." he said hesitantly. His mind must be a little slow.

"Good. Now can you tell us about Voltron"

"... five lions. Red, blue, black, yellow and purple. N-No wait... d-did I already say black..?" Keith seemed to be confusing himself at this point.

"Put that one down as a maybe, Coran" I said, deciding that we can figure it out properly later.

"Okay. Any rashes at all?" Coran asked.

"Mmm nope" Keith's eyes were closing slowly.

"By the looks of things you're experiencing fatigue. What about vision? Are there any issues with that?" Coran said, writing down something on his clipboard.

"How many fingers am I holding up, Keith?" I asked, holding up 3 fingers in front of him. He looked at them bluntly for a few seconds.


"Um Keith there's only 10 fingers on a- you know what never mind Coran check that one as a yes" I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"Okay. What about going loopy at all?"

"Yup, he went loopy a few days ago" Lance answered.

"Okay, and I can check off breathing difficulties. There are a few more symptoms that might appear slightly later in the healing process but for now we're done. Keep an eye on Keith while I try and fix something up to cure this" Coran announced, writing some more things down on his clipboard and leaving the room.

"Good to know the first symptom was death" Keith mumbled, trying to sit up.

"Hey, you're still alive now aren't you? You're gonna be fine" I replied, helping Keith up into a sitting position. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and yawned.

"You should get back to sleep if you're tired, mullet" Lance stated, patting Keith's shoulder gently. Keith shook his head a little.

"I don't wanna sleep. I wanna go uh... d-do the thing.."

"What thing?" I asked, having no clue what Keith was talking about.

"I-I've forgotten what it's called. T-The thing w-with the swords and the robots 'n stuff"


".... y-yeah that thing.."

"Keith, you can't train when you can barely sit up" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Mmm fine" Keith said, clearly not having the strength to even argue. He hugged his stomach, suddenly turning pale.


"Do you feel sick?" I asked, lifting his chin a little so he could look at me. His eyes watered slightly and he nodded. I picked him up quickly and rushed into the bathroom, placing him in front of the toilet. Lance followed, placing his hand on Keith's back. Keith leaned over the toilet seat and began throwing up into the toilet. It sounded a lot more violent this time and the red paladin seemed to be whimpering slightly too.

"B-Burns..." he cried, throwing up into the toilet more. I grew concerned and decided to look into the toilet. What I saw made me even more worried.


This book hit 1000 reads so thank youuuuu! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 842

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now