~Another Bonding Moment~

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What's your opinion on pop tarts?

Keith's P.O.V

You're pathetic. You can't even follow orders from the thing that's trying to help you. You're useless and everyone on Voltron pities you. I feel sorry for them, having you as a team mate, especially seeing you're so selfish and ungrateful. They'll kick you off the team one day, just you wait..

Those words made Keith jolt up from his bed, panting and sweating. Lance turned to him, a confused look on his face.

"Are you okay, Mullet?" Lance asked.

"Peachy." Keith replied, rubbing his eyes. His head ached and his stomach twisted but he did his best to ignore it for now.

You'll be dead soon..

"You gave us quite a fright, you know. You followed this cat into the room with the power source and almost touched it" Lance explained, making Keith's eyes widen.

"I... I did?"

"Yup. Don't worry, though. I stopped you" Lance said, a small blush appearing on his face.

Next time you wont be so lucky..

I rubbed my ears, wishing Texer would just shut his mouth.

"So tell me more about this voice, Keith" Lance said, smiling.

Go on, tell him. You might as well..

"He's... listening all the time... including now. He never shuts up. He wants me to get quintessence for him I think. By the sounds of things he can mess with my mind and stuff too." Keith explained. "He's uh... pretty powerful"

You bet I am..

"So is he talking to you now?" Lance asked, clearly interested in Texer. I nodded. "What is he saying?"

"Mostly just insulting me" Keith mumbled, not wanting to trigger anything else from Texer.


"You can't get him to be quiet at all?" Lance asked.

I'm here forever..

"Nope. He's here forever. He's so loud too. I-I cover my ears but I still hear him" Keith said, clutching the blankets in front of him.

"What kind of things does he say?" Lance asked, sitting closer to Keith.

"Pathetic, monster, freak, idiot, waste of space... t-things like that"

"And do you believe them?"

"I... I-I'm starting to.." Keith answered, his voice cracking ever so slightly. Lance's face turned into one of sympathy as he used his finger to lift up Keith's chin.

"You're none of those things, Keith. You're an amazing part of Voltron and a great friend. I don't know where we'd all be without you" Lance said, smiling sadly.

He's lying..

"I just want him to shut up.." Keith mumbled, subconsciously taking Lance's hand and squeezing it.


Lance noticed he could tell when Texer insulted him. He could tell by the way Keith's face would scrunch up ever so slightly for a second, then release, his expression looking sadder than before.

"He's just a bad thought. His job is to insult you. He's lying, Keith." Lance said, using his thumb to rub small circles onto Keith's wrist. Texer must've said something worse to Keith that time because his eyes started to water and he squeezed Lance's hand tighter.

"M-Make him stop.." Keith whimpered, biting his bottom lip until it bled. When Keith's breathing started to quicken Lance brought him into a hug, letting Keith rest his head in his shoulder.

"Shiro's gone to see if he can get Coran's opinion, okay? Then we can get this horrible voice to leave you alone. Don't worry" Lance explained, doing his best to comfort the small boy he was holding. He could feel Keith's shaking shoulders.

I'll let you have this moment. I'll be back though..

Keith felt as if something had been weighing him down and had physically left. He relaxed into Lance's hold slightly.

"I-I think he's gone.. for now" Keith said, wrapping his arms around Lance properly.

"Good. Do you want to go back to sleep?" Lance asked, trying to gently coax Keith out of the hug. However, Keith wasn't having it as he only hugged tighter.

"No.. I don't know when it'll next be this peaceful" Keith mumbled, burying his face into Lance's jacket. Lance let out a soft chuckle.

"Fair enough. Shiro should be back with some food in a few minutes. Food for both of us, that is" (My food is Klance I don't know about you)

"You smell warm" Keith said, smiling shyly.

"Keith you can't smell wa- just... nevermind. Thank you" Lance said, internally facepalming. Talk about mood swings. Lance put his hand on Keith's forehead, wincing at his temperature.

"My goodness you're hot" Lance said, feeling a little worried. "Do you want me to go and get something to cool you down?"

"No!" Keith said, looking up to Lance. He blushed and looked down at his hands. "I-I mean.. no"

"Why not?" Lance asked.

"Because I don't want to be alone for when Texer comes back.." Keith answered.

"Well I guess that makes se-"

"And I wanna spend time with you.." Keith mumbled shyly, biting his non existent nails. Lance could tell by the stub nails Keith had that he bit them a lot.

"Okay.. I'll stay" Lance said, pulling Keith back into the hug properly. Shiro suddenly walked in the room, carrying two bowls of food goo. The Black paladin beamed at the two boys hugging.

"I brought you both food." Shiro said, putting a bowl near Keith's face. Keith glared at it with a face of disgust then buried his face back into Lance's chest.

"Keeeith. You gotta eat buddy" Lance said, poking the red paladin's shoulder. Keith groaned but didn't move from his position. Lance, remembering Shiro's little trick, began rubbing circles into Keith's palms. Keith seemed to relax even more, smiling slightly. Lance then took the spoon with food goo on it and put it to Keith's mouth.

"Open up" He said, watching as Keith opened his mouth and then put the food in his mouth. Keith began eating it and soon swallowed it, still in his dazed state. Lance continued to do this until Keith suddenly didn't open his mouth. Lance gently poked Keith's mouth with the spoon but he wouldn't budge.

"Keith open your-"

"He fell asleep, Lance" Shiro pointed out. The two stayed silent for a second, checking for the sound of Keith's gentle snoring. Sure enough, they heard it, and Lance put down the bowl and spoon on the floor. He thought about moving Keith properly into bed but he looked so comfy here, Lance decided not to.

"Coran said he might be able to make some medicine for Keith" Shiro said, breaking the silence. "But seeing as he has to make something for Keith's sickness and the whole illness it's self it'll probably be on the end of the list"

"The voice wont stop insulting him" Lance explained, looking down sadly at Keith. "Keith said he's starting to believe what the voice says"

"We need to keep an eye on him then" Shiro stated, getting a nod from Lance. The two suddenly noticed Keith begin to stir in his sleep. His face scrunched up slightly and he let out a whimper, tightening his grip on Lance's jacket.

He was having a nightmare.

IMPORTANT QUESTION! Would you all be alright if I made this a Klance book? I really wanna write a Klance book. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 1154

~Author Mill

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