~It's Okay To Cry~

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Keith's P.O.V

I awoke to the sound of people chatting. I groggily opened my eyes and saw that Shiro and Lance were in my room, sitting on my bed, yapping away. They didn't seem to notice me so I just buried my face into my hippo, not in the mood to talk.

"So when do you think he'll get better then? Did Coran give you any sort of answers what so ever?" Lance asked, worry on his face.

"Well Coran said there isn't much chance of survival so he doesn't know" Shiro replied. I tensed a bit at the news. I could die from this?

"W-what's the percentage?" I could tell by the sound of Lance's voice that he was debating on if he wanted to know or not. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear it either. I know Shiro had asked Coran earlier but I didn't hear the answer.

"Fifteen percent chance of survival"

Fifteen?! There was a high chance I could die to an illness. An illness! I would at least want to die in battle or something! I could feel my eyes starting to water. Was I seriously crying over this now!? Why am I even crying!?

A small whimper escaped my lips. It was a quiet one but it didn't go unheard by Shiro or Lance. I buried my face into my hippo, hoping they would somehow think I was asleep or something.

"Are you awake Keith?" Lance asked, putting his hand on my leg. I stayed as still and as quiet as I could but yet again another whimper escaped my mouth.

"Were you listening into our conversation?" Shiro probably already knew the answer so I don't know why he asked. I gave a small nod before burying my face into my hippo again, hoping they wouldn't see the tears that were now starting to roll down my cheeks.

"Are you..... are you crying?" Lance came closer to me to get a closer look but I kept my face as hidden as possible.

"N-no..." My voice cracked dang it. I felt someone pull the hippo away from my face....

Lance's P.O.V

As I pulled the hippo away from Keith's face, I was met with a surprise. Keith had hot tears rolling down his already flushed face. His bottom lip was quivering and his eyes were glazed over. He avoided my gaze and just looked straight ahead of him.

"Keith what's wrong?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"N-nothing" Keith rolled over and faced the wall, wiping his face with his hand. I looked back at Shiro and he sighed.

"Keith why were you cr-"

"I WASN'T CRYING!" Keith interrupted. I was taken aback by the sudden outburst.

"It's okay to cry sometimes Keith..." He sniffled in response and rolled over again so he was facing the ceiling. I could now see Keith's eyes were red and puffy and tears were still rolling down his face. Out of no where Keith let out a small chuckle.

"Funny how out of all the ways I could of gone down i-its most likely gonna be from a stupid illness"

"Keith, we aren't letting you die any time soon. Don't let this illness get the best of you" Shiro stated, coming closer to Keith.

"Well it clearly already is getting the best of me! I'm crying for no good reason!" He shouted, tears starting to pour once again.

"Hey hey hey calm down. Don't get all cranky on us Mister" I said, patting his arm gently.

"Sorry. This illness is just messing with my emotions and I don't know what's even happening anymore" Keith said, wiping his face with both his hands.

"It's okay. We all get like that some times"

We all sat there in awkward silence for a few seconds, not knowing what to say next. I was just about to say something when Keith spoke up.

"Everything's spinning"

"What do you mean?" Shiro asked, looking at Keith who was just staring up at the ceiling.

"The world is spinningggg" Keith's voice slurred in a concerning way. I looked at Shiro to see if he had any idea on what to do in this situation. He gave me a worried look back and looked back at Keith who was reaching out with his arms to the ceiling.

"What are you doing?" I asked, pulling Keith's arms back down.

"Uhhhh.... I dunno" Keith giggled and let out a weird squeal. 

"Great." Shiro said, letting out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" I asked while trying to keep Keith's arms from reaching up again. Shiro rubbed his forehead with his hand tiredly.

"He's going loopy"

I love the idea of a loopy Keith so expect that in the future. This is probably going to be the average size of my chapters. If you want them longer and shorter feel free to just tell me. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 791

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now