~A Cure Within Reach~

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Hello children. I'm running out of things to put here. Chapter time. Here ya go!

Keith's P.O.V

"Why hello there Red Paladin! It seems you're in a little bit of a bad situation! Well, obviously, seeing that's why I was called. So what seems to be the problem?"

I didn't think the doctor could be any more dodgy if he tried. He was a dark shade of green with slimy skin and a strange purple top hat. He also had three-fingered hands and one huge eyeball instead of two.

"Well Coran already told you the problem.." I mumbled, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"That he did! I must say, from what your adviser has told me, you have extremely extreme symptoms! Not quite like the symptoms I've seen before!" The doctor giggled manically, opening up the weird looking suitcase he'd brought with him.

"So will you be able to treat me?" I asked impatiently.

"Well it depends! I need to take a look at you first!" The doctor gave a creepy smile. "Can you stand up at all?"

"I can try.." I mumbled, swivelling my body round to the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure he needs to?" Lance asked. I almost forgot he was in the room. "Can't you just look at him from where he is?"

"Nope! Up you get, Red Paladin!" The Doctor smiled once again. I stood up and used the wall to support me, looking down at my shaky legs. Since when did I become so weak?

Before I could interfere, the doctor began observing me, lifting up my arm and inspecting it heavily. He poked my skin with his slimy hand, making me squirm.

"I see humans have soft skin." He chuckled, running his finger across my arm.

"Can.. can you not do that?" I hesitantly asked.

"I'm examining, Red Paladin. Do you want to be cured or not?" He asked. I mentally zipped my mouth shut and closed my eyes. I didn't like being touched by strangers, especially slimy ones. The doctor then began gently pulling at my hair and staring at it intensely.

"Humans have hair I see! Quite an interesting material if I do say so myself." I felt a small, sharp pain in the back of my head and I could've sworn he took one of my hairs out.

"So uh.. how long will this take?" Lance asked, looking almost as uncomfortable as me.

"I'm not sure, Yellow Paladin! Just give me my time."

"I'm the Blue Paladin, first of all. Plus, I don't think what you're doing is necessary." Lance pointed out.

"I assure you Blue Paladin, I'm a certified doctor and I do whatever is necessary to help others. Now if you could allow me to work in quiet, it'd be much appreciated" The doctor gave Lance a toothy grin and continued to examine me. He started coming up close to my face and staring into my eyes.

"How come his eyes have yellow in it but the rest of you humans don't?" The Doctor asked. Ah right, my eyes were still yellow.

"Well uh... we're not sure. We were hoping you could answer that." Lance said. I kept my mouth shut.

"They remind me of the galra eyes." The Doctor pointed out. Oh no, they're figuring it out. I really hope Lance doesn't-

"Well Keith is galra so that would make sense." Lance explained. Damn it. The Doctor's look changed into an unreadable expression.

"Oh really? That was what the planet was triggered by?" He asked, receiving a nod from me. "Well it seems the planet is maybe trying to activate that side. Tell me, Paladin, why are you apart of Voltron if you are the enemy they face?"

There was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds before I spoke up.

"Well I'm only half galra and there are good galra and stuff..." I mumbled, avoiding eye contact. The doctor narrowed his eyes for a few seconds before continuing his inspection.

"Well from what I can see, your symptoms, as I said earlier, are quite extreme. This is probably because of your galra heritage." The doctor seemed to spit that label out like dirt. I noticed he started acting more rough now, clutching my arm tighter and jerking me around. He suddenly walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a needle.

"Let me take a blood sample." He borderline ordered. I held out my arm weakly and looked away, a little terrified as to if this doctor was even a doctor at all. I felt the prick of the needle and the sharp pain as the blood was taken out of me. I looked back, watching him as he injected the blood into a small bottle and put both things away. Then, once again, the doctor began examining me again.

"Would you mind if I take your t shirt off?" The doctor asked. I quickly turned to Lance for help.

"I don't think that's needed, sir." Lance spoke for me. I felt my legs starting to become tired from holding me up. Or maybe I was shaking that much? It was hard to tell.

"I want to see if he has any more of these strange bruises." The doctor pointed to the purple marks on either sides of my neck. "I need to know where they came from."

"Well I can tell you they were from this weird demon thing that only Keith could hear and sometimes see. He wanted quintessence or something." Lance explained, a frown on his face. The doctor put on a concentrated look.

"Interesting. It seems I can create a cure for both problems, if I'm given the correct payment." The doctor gave a sly smile.

"Wait, you can help him with both!?" Lance exclaimed.

"Correct. I have medicines for both, but of course there will be side effects. Firstly, the medicine to cure the little demon problem involves putting him in his real form for a few days, then allowing your Red Paladin to resist him. The medicine for your other problem will enhance the symptoms for a little while, then get rid of them completely. If you wish, you can use both medicines at the same time or one after another." The doctor explained, digging into his suitcase.

"How long will the healing process take?" Lance asked.

"Well I'm not too sure. It's different depending on each person. I don't exactly have many patients to go off of as I'm from quite a hidden area of the galaxy and not many others know my race exists." The doctor explained, fiddling with a load of tiny bottles.

"So Keith, how do you want to do this?" Lance asked. I sat down on the bed quickly, mostly to avoid collapsing, and thought about it.

"I think.... I think I wanna do it one after another. Texer was bad enough with me like this so I don't even want to think about him whilst I'm even more ill." I explained.

"Smart idea, Red Paladin." The doctor said, handing Lance two bottles, one red and one blue. "The blue one is for the illness and the red is for the demon issue. Read the labels, they'll tell you everything you want to know. Now where's my payment?"

Lance let out a sigh before putting the bottles down on the small bedside table next to me.

"Right this way. Get some rest, Keith. We should get started as soon as possible tomorrow." Lance said, leading the doctor out of the door. I smiled at him until the door closed, before flopping down on my bed, pulling the covers over me.

I couldn't wait until this was over.

So we're finally getting somewhere! I've actually managed to think up a plot for once. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 1261

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now