~The Shadow Has Control~

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Hit or miss. I guess they never miss huh. You got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't kiss ya MUAH- okay okay I'm stopping chill out.

Third P.O.V

From what Shiro could see, Keith was acting a little off.

After going to see Coran, Keith had agreed to go back to his room so that's what they had done. Lance had pointed out to Shiro that Keith seemed to be feeling a lot better because of how he was smiling and walking but that didn't sit well with me. He was acting almost too happy. Even if Keith was feeling okay, he'd never be this happy.

The three paladins were now sitting on Keith's bed. Keith seemed to be a little distracted with something but Shiro couldn't quite figure out what.

"So uh.. are you feeling better Keith?" Lance asked, breaking the silence.

"I already told you, dummy. I feel fine" Keith said, frowning slightly. Lance seemed to be a little shocked by the insult, looking down at the bed awkwardly.

"Lance was just asking, Keith." Shiro said, sounding a little angry. Keith paused for a second as if he was listening to something.

"... I know but you asked a few minutes ago. Are you losing your memory already Shiro?" Keith sassed. Okay, something was definitely up.

"Keith, why are you suddenly acting all rude?" Shiro asked, his voice getting a bit louder.

"I'm not acting rude. I'm just saying the truth" Keith said, crossing his arms. "Like how you should face the truth about Adam leaving you and stop hoping he'll get back with you"

Shiro jerked back, obviously being effected by the insult. He stood up and exited the room, stopping at the door way to say one last thing.

"Don't hurt the people who are trying to help you, Keith" Lance caught a glimpse of the pain in Shiro's eyes as the doors closed. He then turned to Keith who was rolling his eyes.

"Okay Mister. That was not a very nice thing to say" Lance said, raising his voice. "Especially to someone who is trying to look after you"

"I just said the truth. Didn't know it was such a crime" Keith said, fiddling with the corner of the duvet.

"I don't know who Adam is but whatever you just said clearly hurt Shiro. I can tell something's up, Keith. You'd never even dare to insult Shiro if you were in your right mind" Lance pointed out, watching as Keith seemed to have his eyes glued to a certain spot in the room. "What are you looking at?"

Keith turned back to Lance and shrugged.

"Nothing. Now can you leave me alone?" Keith said.

"Keith do you know how much of a jerk you're being right now?!" Lance shouted, making Keith flinch. Keith knew exactly what he was doing. He was doing exactly what the voice was telling him to. It was the right thing to do, after all.

He called you a jerk, keith. Are you gonna take that? Or are you gonna finish the job off?

"Well instead of annoying the f*ck out of everyone you talk to maybe you should just go away and mind your own business!" Keith yelled, feeling guilt in his chest. It was okay though, the voice said it was the right thing to do. Keith noticed Lance's eyes tear up before he got up and stormed out of the room, leaving Keith on his own.

You may be a jerk, but at least you're good at it..

The figure walked forward from the shadows, sitting next to Keith on the bed. It seemed to be a lot more black and a lot less see through. 

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