~Medicine One~

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Here ya go!

Keith's P.O.V

It'd been about an hour since I'd taken the medicine and I could already tell it was beginning to take effect on me. My temperature had rose and I could feel a dull ache in the back of my head. My stomach felt like it was digesting it's self, not to mention I was shivering like mad. I lay down on my bed with my arms wrapped around me, trying to ignore the pain all over. Lance had left a while ago to talk with Pidge about something so Shiro was in the room with me instead.

"Starting to feel the effects?" He asked.

"No I just happen to like curling up in a ball and shaking." I retorted sarcastically, pulling the covers over me. They stuck to me uncomfortably due to all my sweat.

"Is there anything I could do to help?"

"I don't know. Put me out of my misery?"

Shiro let out a chuckle and sat down next to me on the bed, running his fingers through my hair.

"I've noticed you tend to be sarcastic when in immeasurable pain." He commented.

"Who said I was being sarcastic?"

"Fair point." I attempted to roll over to look at Shiro but it was only now that I noticed my entire body felt weak. I could barely even move my head to face him. Instead I buried my face into the pillow.

"Can't move." I said, even though it was probably muffled by the pillow.

"Hopefully it wont get any more painful than this."

" Probably will." I mumbled. Knowing my luck, this was going to be a world of pain and misery.

At that moment, Lance entered the room carrying a damp cloth, most likely to decrease my temperature.

"How you feeling, Keith?" He asked, attempting to roll me over. I let out a grumble in reply and made no attempt to cooperate. Not like I could anyways.

"Feeling like trash.." I mumbled. Lance and Shiro chuckled.

"Can you at least turn over so I can put this cloth on your head?" Lance asked, gently grabbing my arm and attempting to roll me over.

"Well not really seeing I can't move." I growled, wincing when it sent a wave of pain through my head.

"Okay Okay I'll do it myself." Lance finally managed to roll me over and place the wet cloth on my head. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes due to the fact the bright lights weren't helping my head.

"Not enjoying this?"

"Don't know what you're talking about. This is the most fun I've had in years."I said sarcastically.

"Don't give me sarcasm mister."

"You're right. If I was telling the truth you wouldn't be in here." I smiled cheekily and Lance, being the dramatic Lance, let out a gasp.

"How dare you!" He pouted and crossed his arms. I felt a spike of pain in my head from the loud noise but this time, it didn't go away like usual. I scrunched my face up and let out a groan.

"Keith? You okay? Do you need me to-"

"Stop! Just stop- stop talking." I mumbled, feeling my head ache become more intense.

"Why? What's wrong?" Lance pushed. Shiro stepped in and whispered to help my headache.

"I think it's a migraine, Lance. Keep it down." He whispered. "Keith, do you want me to turn the lights down?"

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