~Feeling Faint~

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Third P.O.V

Keith was bored.

He was in his room, lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling, all alone.

He had tried to amuse himself by counting sheep in his head but it got pretty boring pretty quickly.  He decided it was time to get up and do something.

Keith sat up slowly and swung his legs over the bed. He then stood up, feeling a wave of nausea hit him. He put his hand against the wall for support and began heading to the door. His legs were stepping all over the place but he did his best to walk down the corridor.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team were in the sofa room, just chatting. They saw the door open and a very giddy Keith wobble in.

"Keith! What are you doing out of bed!?" Lance shouted, climbing over the sofa to help Keith stand up properly. Before Lance could get over to him, Keith tripped on his own feet and hit the floor with a thud.

"Keith?! Are you okay!?" Lance shouted, crouching down next to Keith who was trying to push himself back up with his hands.

"Y-Yup. Didn't just face plant the floor" He said, rolling over so he was sitting down on the floor.

"Why are you out of bed Keith?" Shiro asked, walking over to the red paladin.

"I'm bored. Plus its not illegal for me to get out of bed" Keith mumbled, getting helped to the couch by Lance.

"Well it is when you're ill. So let's get you back to bed" Shiro said, walking over to Keith. Keith shook his head and crossed his arms.

"Being in bed is boring. I'm not going back in there" Keith replied, moving away from Shiro.

"Fine, stay in here. But tell us if you start to get tired" Shiro said in his dad voice. Keith rolled his eyes and nodded.

The team spent the next few minutes just hanging out and talking. After a while Keith started to feel light headed. He tried to shake it off but the feeling remained. He soon felt his head drop onto the person sitting next to him which happened to be Lance. Lance jumped a little but didn't move away.

"You okay Keith?" He asked. Keith hummed a small yes and tried to sit back up, only to fall back onto Lance. Lance let out a small chuckle and continued his conversation with Hunk.

After a few more minutes Keith was having some trouble. His head was spinning, his stomach was twisting and his breathing was uneven. No one seemed to have noticed seeing they were deep in conversation and Keith couldn't find the energy to even make a noise. He closed his eyes as the twisting in his stomach began to feel worse.

Keith? Are you okay?" Shiro asked. Keith was starting to hate that question. He shook his head the tiniest bit but regretted it when his head started to throb. He opened his eyes a little to see that Shiro was walking over to him. Keith clutched his stomach and his head in pain.

"Guys, everyone be quiet a second" Shiro announced, putting a hand on Keith's forehead. He winced at the hotness of it. Everyone was now looking at Keith with concerned expressions.

"He looks a bit... green" Hunk pointed out, looking at Keith's face which was indeed a strange colour. "Do you feel sick Keith?"

Keith let out a small whimper and started curling into a ball. He wanted this to stop.

"Okay Keith, we're going to take you back to your room and see if we can help you okay?" Shiro said, carefully picking the small boy up. "Coran, do you have anything at all that could help Keith more?"

"I don't think so. But I can certainly have a look!"  Coran said, leaving the room to  go and look for something to help. Keith let out a groan and shifted in Shiro's arms.

"Shhh it's gonna be okay Keith" Shiro whispered, running his fingers through Keith's hair. He walked down the corridors and into Keith's room, carefully setting him down on the bed. Keith was shaking a little and looked like he was in pain.

"S-Shiro..." He cried, reaching his arm weakly towards Shiro who took his arm and gently pushed it down.

"Try and get some sleep Keith, you'll feel better soon"

Just at that moment, Keith sat up abruptly and put his hand over his mouth.

He was about to be sick.

I'm debating on whether I should put a vomit warning on the next chapter. I feel like I should. I wonder if this chapter will be out before season eight. Scary to think that it might be out after and that allurance might be canon (sorry I dont like allurance) and that klance might not be canon. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 792

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now