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How doesn't this have 2k? It's literal trash?

Third P.O.V

Keith opened his eyes, seeing Lance and Shiro talking. This seemed to happen a lot now these days.

"Keith? You awake?" Lance asked. Keith groaned and pulled himself up, feeling drained just like last time.

"Yeah I-I'm awake. What happened?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"We could ask you the same thing. Is there something you're not telling us, Keith?" Shiro asked, frowning slightly. He was starting to feel like he wasn't being strict enough on Keith.


I will end you..

"I-I can't.." Keith said quietly. Lance and Shiro gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean you can't?" Lance asked.

"I-I mean I really can't. Otherwise it'll.... it'll hurt me" Keith said, being careful about his words.

"What'll hurt you, Keith?" Shiro asked.

"I-I can't say! It's listening..."

Reveal anything else and you're dead..

"Keith, you need to tell us. Nothing can harm you" Lance said, giving Keith a soft smile.

"But it can hurt me! It already did twice!" Keith spurted out, regretting it instantly.

You're dead next time we talk..

Keith flinched. "He's mad.."

"So it's a he? Who is it Keith? Who are you talking about?" Lance asked, starting to get impatient.

"I-I want to tell you but I can't! He's listening! He's already super mad!" Keith yelled, pushing himself into the corner of the bed. He felt ill and weak. He just wanted it all to stop.

You're useless.. pathetic.. a freak.. a monster.. an idiot.. a waste of space..

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" Keith shouted, throwing his hands over his ears. Shiro and Lance looked at each other.

"Keith, if this is going to work, you need to tell us what's going on. If you don't, who ever he is he wont stop bugging you" Shiro said. Keith stayed in silence for a minute, thinking of the best solution. The voice continued to whisper negative thoughts in his ears but he tried his best to ignore him.

"Ever since I-I threw up blood there's been this... voice. It started of as just a voice but eventually it started to persuade me to do things. While I was alone it turned into a shadow. I-I named it Texer in the end. Texer wants me to steal quintessence so I can become... become fully galra. H-He was the reason I said those things to you both the other day. I-I'm sorry" Keith explained, hugging his knees.

"So.. he's a voice?" Lance asked. Keith nodded and Shiro let out a sigh.

"If you had told us sooner we could've helped you."

"I know but I thought I could trust him. For some reason I do still kinda trust him. I don't know why but I can't help it"

"Is he in here now?" Lance asked. Keith nodded.

"Not physically b-but I can hear him. He's... really... really... mad" Keith said, shakily violently.

You're a traitor..

"So what about the bruises? Did he do that too?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah. I think he takes the quintessence from me instead which makes me lose energy" Keith said. He couldn't be sure but he assumed this was what was happening.

You'll pay for this..

"So what's he doing now?" Lance asked.

"He's... angry. He wont shut up.."

"Shiro, do you think Coran would be able to help?" Lance asked.

"I don't know, maybe"

Keith suddenly spotted a cat sitting by the door. It was black and it had bright red eyes.

"W-Why is there a cat there..?" He questioned, standing up and walking towards it. Shiro and Lance gave Keith a confused look.

"There's nothing there, Keith" Lance said.

"T-The cat, right there. It's kinda cute" He said, smiling a little. The cat began wondering off and Keith followed it. Keith had never been a cat person but this cat seemed to pull him in. Shiro and Lance looked at each other before getting up and after Keith.

Lance soon found out that Keith was a quick runner. They all ended up in a huge room, a huge, dangerous power source in the middle of it. Keith watched as the cat climbed up onto the power source.

"I thought the power source was dangerous to touch?" He said, walking towards it. Lance grabbed Keith by the shoulder and turned him around.

"Keith, it is. You're seeing things." Lance explained. However, Keith pushed him off and continued to walk towards the "cat."

"Keith, snap out of it! It's a trick!" Lance shouted, but Keith was too far gone. His eyes were closed in a dazed sort of way as he dragged himself to the power source.

"Good kitty.." He said, climbing over the safety fence.

"KEITH! DON'T TOUCH THE POWER SOURCE!" Shiro shouted. Keith kept getting closer, only a metre away now. Lance jumped over the fence and grabbed Keith's arm. Keith stayed still.

"I'm coming, kitten" He said, reaching his hand out to the power source.

That's it... give me my power..

Lance was panicking. It was as if time stopped for him all of a sudden. Keith was going to die. Keith was going to die. He had to do something!

As time unpaused it's self, Lance did the first thing he thought of...

He hugged him.

"Please Keith... don't do it"

There was a moment of silence before Keith turned around and hugged back. Lance took this as an opportunity to pick Keith up and carry him back over the fence.

"Lance...? What... what happened?" Keith asked. Lance smiled and hugged him close.

"You're okay, you're okay" The blue paladin felt Keith's head on his shoulder, signifying that he had passed out. Shiro walked over to him and smiled at them both.

"You did it, Lance. You saved your rival" Shiro said, chuckling slightly. Lance smiled softly and looked down at Keith.

"Yeah, I guess I did"

What is even happening in this book anymore. It kinda went pair shaped but hey I'll sort it out. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 950

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now