~Don't Trust Elevators~

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It's been over three months since voltron ended.

Keith's P.O.V

"PALADINS! TO YOUR LIONS!" Allura's voice boomed through the speakers. Not what I was expecting to happen during a game of twenty questions.

"Welp, I guess our game is over" Lance said, standing up.

"Yup. Now let's g-"

"Nuh uh. No way. You're not leaving this room. You're sick" Lance interrupted.

"But you can't form Voltron without me. You need me" I replied, starting to get up. Lance slowly pushed me back down.

"We might not even need to form Voltron. If we do we'll call you over but for now you're staying here, got it?" Lance ordered. I growled before laying down on my bed. There was no point in arguing. If I did somehow persuade Lance I wouldn't be able to persuade Shiro anyways. The blue paladin ran out of the room, closing the doors behind him. I let out a sigh. What now?

After fiddling around with my knife for a few minutes I decided to take a walk. Sure, my legs were weak and I was dizzy but lying in my room contemplating my life isn't a good idea. I eventually wondered my way into the elevator and decided to chill by the pool. As the elevator went up down I suddenly heard a thud.

The elevator had stopped.

"You've got to be kidding me." I began pressing the buttons and trying to get something to work but nothing was happening. I mean, at least the lights didn't turn off this time. I quickly realised that I wouldn't be able to climb up the shaft either because of the weak and useless state I was in. Also I didn't have Lance.

"What kind of elevator doesn't have an emergency button?" I asked myself, slapping one of the buttons. After realising it was useless I sat down on the floor and hugged my knees.

I might be here for a while.

It'd been about an hour since I'd first got stuck and I'd started to feel sick. My stomach was tying knots in itself and the lights of the elevator were hurting my eyes. Surely the mission would be done by now.

Another hour had gone by and my life was still sucking. I felt like I was going to throw up any second. I was now lying on my side and praying someone would just find me already.


I suddenly felt vomit start to climb up my throat. I climbed over to the corner of the elevator and threw up, letting out whimpers as I did so. Luckily there was no blood this time but it still smelt revolting. I was surprised I could even throw up anything at this point.

Honestly, the vomiting seemed endless. For about thirty minutes I kept throwing up every thirty seconds. It was at the point where the only thing coming out was bile. My back was starting to hurt from leaning over and the vomit had started to take up almost a quarter of the elevator. I eventually stopped feeling as sick and managed to throw myself to the other side of the elevator. I was still uncomfortably close to the sick but I guess I'd just have to deal with it.

Okay vomiting is over

At this point I didn't know how long it'd been. Three hours? Probably longer. Of course the one time I was actually hungry while sick was the one time I can't actually get anything to eat. I was beginning to wonder how long it would take before I went mad in this elevator. It would only be a matter of hours before Texer returned. Perhaps I'd go mad then.

"ATTENTION PALADINS! KEITH IS MISSING! PLEASE BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR HIM! KEITH, IF YOU'RE HERE, RETURN BACK TO YOUR ROOM" Allura spoke through the speaker. Ah, so they realised. I let out a sigh, knowing it'd still be a while before I was found. The smell of sick was strong whereas I was not. I hoped the paladins would find me before I lost my mind.

Another 2 hours had gone by. That's five hours in total I'd been in this stupid elevator. I was tired, hungry, sick and bored. I'd thrown up twice since the first time meaning my elevator space was getting smaller and smaller. My anxiety was skyrocketing, knowing Texer could arrive soon. Why did I leave my room? Why did I get sick? Why did I have to be part galra? This is why I said no contemplating life. It's a dangerous idea and I-


I heard a muffled voice from above me. It was super muffled but I definitely heard it. I didn't hesitate to reply.

"Help!" I shouted, disappointed when my shout was barely over a mumble. Please say whoever it is can hear me.

"Keith? You there? I don't think he's down there Pidge"

Hunk. It was Hunk.

"H-Hunk, Pidge! P-Please.." I said as loud as I could. Spoiler alert, it wasn't very loud.

"He must be down there, guys. How else would the elevator get stuck?" Lance asked. Maybe they were all there.

"Well maybe it malfunctioned or something. He would reply if he was there." Pidge reasoned.

"I'm h-here guys!" I shouted. No reply. I thought they'd left. Before I knew it, I began to cry. I cried because I was alone. I cried because they couldn't hear me. I cried because I might be stuck down here for hours and hours more. This is so dumb.

"Wait, what's that sound?" Lance asked.

"L-Lance please.." I mumbled, hugging onto myself. Did I mention the elevator doesn't have heating?

"Is that him? I think I hear him. We need to go and check." Lance said.

"Well if it's not him we just wasted our time when we could've been looking for him elsewhere." Pidge said.

"And if it is him and we left here then he'd probably die." Lance replied. "Here, pass me that rope"

I couldn't really tell what was happening but by the sound of it someone was climbing down towards me. A few minutes later the top of the elevator opened and none other than Lance McClain was looking at me.

"Keith! Oh my goodness this elevator is filled with sick holy cow" Lance said, carefully lowering himself down.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you" I mumbled.

"How long have you been here?"

"About six hours or something. Maybe more, maybe less." I grumbled, pushing myself up into a sitting position.

"Jesus Christ Keith. No wonder you look like a ghost. Wait, are you crying?" Lance asked, hopping down beside me and avoiding the sick. I frantically wiped my eyes.

"I-I'm just tired and sick and hungry a-and I thought you weren't going to find me and I didn't want Texer to come back and I-"

"Hey hey, it's okay. We're gonna get you out of here." Lance said, calming me down a little. "Can you stand at all?"

"Probably not" I answered honestly. Lance let out a sigh before picking me up and lifting me on top of the elevator, then climbing on top himself.

"Now how are we gonna do this?" he asked, scratching his head. "Hunk? Pidge? Could you maybe pull us both up? I don't think Keith will be able to grip the rope on his own"

"Well you two are heavy so probably not. If we got Shiro or someone we could manage it though" Pidge shouted down. "Hunk go get Shiro"

"Does this mean more waiting?" I asked, lying on the top of the elevator.

"Yup, I'm afraid so"

"I hate my life"

Same Keith same. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 1246

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now