~The Planet Where It All Ended~

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Heheh... You see what I did there? With the title? See how I'm so cool? No? Ok just read.

4 Months Later

Keith's P.O.V

"Are you sure this planet is safe for us?" Shiro asked, looking over to Allura.

"I assure you Shiro, it's safe for humans and Alteans." Allura replied, smiling in return.

"Okay then, guys. Let's head out." Shiro said, typing in the code to open the castle entrance. "So on this planet we're going to g-"

"Wait!" I yelled, blushing when everyone turned to face me. "I uh... is it safe for galra?"

"Oh, right!" Allura said, pulling up an Altean keyboard and typing something in. "My apologys, Keith. It is indeed safe for galra."

"Why wouldn't this planet be safe for galra? It has cures for galran diseases." Hunk pointed out. He was right. We'd decided to visit this planet to get some antidotes for common galra diseases in case I ever came across them. The castle had cures for Alteans and Humans, so it was only fair that there were cures for Galra too.

"You never know, Hunk. We wouldn't want to make the same mistake twice." Pidge said.

"Yeah. I'm sure Mullet wouldn't want that ever again." Lance said.

"God please no." After Texer disappearing, all of us had had a big discussion talking about how we need to improve our bond when it comes to things like secrets and insecurities. Sure, we'd trained loads and made sure our fighting skills were good enough to defend each other but mental health is just as important as physical health.

In the end, we settled on trying to be more open towards each other and allowing each other to share. That meant slightly less physical training and more time to talk about our problems. After all, the extra training times never really did much as we were all too distracted by mental problems.

Unfortunately, Texer did quite a lot of damage to my mental health, meaning it took a little while for me to get back to myself without being afraid to sleep at night. Eventually, I went back to my old self again.

"So I've compiled a list of all the different medicines we need to make sure Keith is safe from all forms of galra disease. Some of them will help with simple things such as colds but some of them are extremely essential for the more deadly diseases. You did get quite unlucky with a disease like yours was, Number Four, but I can assure you there are a lot worse." Coran explained, pulling out his long list. He teared it up into seven and gave each of us a piece to try and collect. Luckily, each one came with a picture.

"Okay, team. Meet back here in about a varga. Don't get lost and call if-"

"If we need any help. Yeah we get it space dad." Pidge grumbled. We all chuckled and began heading our separate ways.

"What's up, Mullet." Lance said, wrapping his arm around me and almost pulling me over.

"Could've sworn all the things on your list were over there." I said, pointing to a group of stalls.

"We've got plenty of time, Keith. Stop going all Shiro on me." Lance said, making me chuckle.

"Okay then. Whatever you say."

"You know, you seem a lot happier now. I'm glad." Lance said, smiling genuinely. "You're actually becoming quite sof-"

"Lance! Your stalls are over there!" Shiro yelled from a few meters away.

"Ah! Okay! I'm going! Cya Mullet!" Lance screamed, dashing over to where he was meant to be. I laughed at him before continuing in the direction I was meant to be heading.

You know what? I take back what I said about me being the old me again. I'm definitely a new version of myself.

A more accepting version of myself.

And that's it! That's the end! I started this like a year ago and after all this time we're finally at the end! I just wanted to thank everyone whose stuck around the Voltron fandom almost a year after it's ended. I'm glad you're still reading about Voltron and you still love it like I do. If you have any questions about this book, feel free to ask on this chapter. I'll try to answer them as well as possible. If you're bored and have nothing to read, I've got a one shot book filled with all kinds of Keith centred stories. From things like major character death, to adorable Keith and Kosmo moments, to strange coming out stories, to ships such as Klance Heith and Sheith. I've also got a beginning of a Keith with the Blades book but like I don't know what's going on with it at the moment. At the moment, this book has 25K reads which is crazy. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 789

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now