~The Voice~

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If I see one comment talking about the TV show I'm gonna-


Keith's P.O.V

My throat burned horribly as I threw up the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I could taste blood coming out of my mouth and mixed with the vomit it didn't taste good. I rested my head on the toilet seat, praying for the feeling to go away. Tears started to slowly roll down my cheeks as I tried to calm my breathing down. I felt Shiro put his hand on my back and rub gentle circles into it.

After about twenty minutes of throwing up I finally felt my stomach calm down enough for me to stop throwing up. My breathing was heavy from the exhaustion of it all and tears were still rolling down my cheeks. Shiro winced at the look of the blood in the toilet and flushed it down.

ok you good from here no more vomit or blood :)

"Do you feel sick anymore?" Lance asked, kneeling down to my level so he could look my in the eyes. I weakly shook my head and rubbed my watery eyes. I must've looked like a mess.

You always look like a mess...

I slowly lifted my head up, looking for the owner of the voice that just spoke. Lance gave me a confused look.

"Keith? What are you doing?"

"W-Who.." I coughed, my throat still burning "W-Who said that..?"

"Said what Keith?" Lance asked.

You look so weak right now..

"W-Who's speaking?" I asked, looking around the room.

"What do you mean Keith? No one's really speaking" Lance said, sharing a confused look with Shiro.

They're judging you...

"T-Then explain to m-me why we can hear s-someone talking then" I said, slightly irritated.

"Keith, we don't hear anyone.." Shiro said.


"I-I'm not.." I didn't like the way Shiro and Lance were looking at me. "I-I can hear s-someone"

"What are they saying?" Shiro asked.

"T-They're saying that-"

Are you seriously going to rely on them to solve everything for you? F*cking pathetic..

"N-Nevermind.." I mutter, pushing myself up so I'm standing. I felt dizzy and in pain but I managed to stumble over to the sink and use it so keep myself from falling.

"Woah woah woah, what are you doing?" Lance asked, walking towards me.

"A-Anything that's not staying in h-here" I replied, trying to find the energy to walk without the support of he sink.

"We can take you back to bed if you want Keith?" Shiro said.

Stop wasting their time and do something for yourself for once. Are you seriously just lying in bed instead of training so you aren't as weak anymore?

"I-I'm not going back to bed" I said, pushing myself off of the sink and stumbling over to the door, using it as a break from standing.

"Keith, where do you plan on going? You can't even stand" Lance said with a worried tone.

See? He sees that you're weak...

"I-I can stand perfectly fine" I mumbled, making my way out of the room slowly. My knees felt wobbly and without the support of any objects I felt like I could collapse at any second.

"Keith, you just threw up blood. You need rest" Shiro said, putting his hand on Keith's shoulder.

That's all you ever seem to need. I'm sure a child could do better than you could..

"I don't need rest. I-I'll be fine" I mumbled, pushing Shiro's hand off of my shoulder.

"C'mon Keith, don't be silly. Just get to bed already" Lance said, rolling his eyes.

You're already getting on their nerves. They're only here because they need someone to pilot the red lion...

"I-I can take care of myself" I muttered, slowly leaving my room. Shiro and Lance trailed right behind me.

"Where are you even going?" Shiro asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

You might as well at least try to become somewhat useful during fights..

"T-To train" I said, mostly trying to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. My legs felt like jelly and I could barely see straight.

"What!? Keith, that's a terrible idea!" Lance shouted.

All of your ideas are terrible...

"I don't care now leave me alone"

"Keith, get back to bed" Lance said, grabbing my shoulder, almost making me fall over.

"No. Now go away" I said, raising my voice slightly and trying to pry Lance's hand off of my shoulder. It wasn't working as he just gripped tighter.

So weak...

"I'm not going away until you're back in bed" Lance said, turning me to look at him.

Show them you're not weak, Keith...

I tried my best to ignore the voice but it was so loud and filled my entire brain. I couldn't ignore it even if I tried.

"Just leave me alone I'll be fine" I said, trying to push Lance's hand off of my shoulder.


"You can't just train when you're ill!"


"I-It's not gonna kill me. I'll b-be fine"


"Just let me take you back to bed already!"


"I SAID I'LL BE FINE OKAY!?" I shouted, my throat still burning from earlier. Lance and Shiro backed up a little, looking into my eyes. It took me a while to read the expression on their faces but the second I could I felt my stomach drop.

They're scared of you..

"Keith, you're eyes.." Shiro trailed off.

"What about them!?" I said, irritated by everything and everyone at this point.

"They're turning yellow..." Lance said.

"W-What..?" I ask, now noticing that my eyes did in fact feel a little off. I couldn't really notice a difference in sight seeing most of my vision was spinning but now that I was focusing on it I noticed my vision was becoming a little more blurred as well as a little more yellow.

It's happening..

"W-What's happening?" I asked. Shiro and Lance must've just assumed I was asking them.

"I don't know.." Lance replied.

You're transforming..

"We should take you to Coran" Shiro suggested, slowly approaching me again.

He's still afraid of you..

"O-Okay" I replied, rubbing my eyes as they were beginning to sting a little. I was starting to get fed up with this voice.

Get used to it...

I don't know where I'm going with this book but oh well. We'll see what it comes to. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 1020

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now