~Hair Drying~

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HelloOOoOoOOoOOoOoOoO. It's chapter time. WooOooOoOO! Here ya go!

Third P.O.V

Keith let a few more drops of hot water bounce off his back before turning the shower off, taking a few minutes to think to himself. It'd been a while since he last showered and he had to admit, he'd missed it. The way the water rolls down your back and relaxes all of your muscles, especially a cold shower after training. Speaking of training, Keith missed that too. Before this illness he'd been feeling good about his recent level in training, but that had completely been destroyed all because of his race. Being part galra hadn't exactly given him many perks, had it?

Trying not to dwell on it too much, Keith climbed out of the shower and began drying himself off, putting on his usual black top and trousers. He slowly made his way out of the room on shaky legs and sat down the bed, watching as Lance walked in with two bottles and a spoon and put them both down on the table. He then turned to look at Keith and gasped with a horrified expression.

"Please tell me you're planning on drying your hair!" He shouted, flailing around dramatically.

"Uh... no?" Keith replied. He'd never been a fan of drying his hair. Hair dryers just made his arms hurt from holding it up for so long and he'd never managed to dry all of it; there would always be wet patches. Lance let out another dramatic gasp.

"What kind of demon doesn't dry their hair!? Do you know what this means?!"

"Uh.. it'll air dry?" Keith pointed out.

"Wha- Well yeah but it'll also get your pillow all wet and it'll be like super uncomfortable!"

"Who cares? Not like I'm gonna be sleeping anytime soon. The medicine's probably gonna be super uncomfortable with all the symptoms and stuff." Keith grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Okay, fair point. But you don't want to be even more uncomfortable. Dry your mullet, mullet." Lance complained, making Keith roll his eyes.

"I don't want to. It takes too long and I always miss spots."

"So let me do it."

Keith stared at Lance's face for a few seconds, trying to figure out if he was serious or not. However, Lance seemed to look completely serious about what he was offering. Keith still had doubts.

"Are.. you serious?" He asked, receiving a nod from Lance. "I mean you can if you want I guess..."

Lance walked into the bathroom, coming back out with a hair dryer in his hands. He then pulled a chair from the side of the room into the middle of the floor and patted it, indicating for Keith to sit down. The Red Paladin suddenly noticed the hair dryer was wireless as he sat down.

"Could've sworn you need a wire on a hair dryer.." Keith commented.

"Alien technology, man. I don't know." Lance answered, picking up a hair brush and running it through my hair, tugging at the knots gently. Once Keith's hair was all brushed out, he turned on the hair dryer and began slowly drying Keith's hair. Even though Keith's skin was a hot temperature, he still found the hot air and the tugging on his hair relaxing, and ended up closing his eyes.

It took a while to completely dry Keith's hair, but Lance managed to get all the spots. He turned the hair dryer off, only to see Keith half asleep on the chair, almost slipping off. Lance poked him on the nose.

"Hey Keeef~? I swear you fall asleep to everything now." He pointed out, making Keith grumble and swat his hand away.

"Go 'way."

"Sorry buddy but you gotta take this medicine today otherwise you'll be ill for longer." Lance explained. "Now lemme help you up."

The Blue paladin began gently lifting Keith up, with very little cooperation. They made their way to the bed and Lance laid Keith down, receiving grumbled but no physical protest. He then picked up the bottles and sat down on the bed next to Keith.

"So which one are we getting rid of first? Creepy demon guy or stupid illness?" Lance asked. Keith answered hesitantly.

"Well... the illness is more important so I guess that?" Keith suggested.

"I was going to say the demon guy because he's gonna affect your mental health a lot."

"But Texer is going to be more annoying if I'm still ill." Keith pointed out, sitting up with his back against the headboard.

"Okay, fair point. So we're getting rid of the illness first?" Lance asked.

"Yeah. I just... I want to get back to training already." Keith grumbled.

"Wait wait wait. Don't tell me you plan on training while having to deal with Mr Demon?"

"I've missed like a week of training. I'm probably rusty." Keith mumbled, looking down at his hands.

"Well you're going to be dealing with this weird toxic demon thingy so he's just gonna insult you. You're allowed to take a break you know.

"I know that but I don't wanna fall behind. This whole illness thing has already put the team at a disadvantage."

Lance felt confusion swirl around his brain. What was Keith talking about? Did he really see himself in that way?

"You do realise this illness thing isn't your fault? You had no control over this happening." Lance said.

"Well if I'm galra none of this would've ever happened!" Keith turned his head away and crossed his arms, a posture Lance was very familiar with. He really hoped Keith didn't just pull that position when he was upset because he really did that a lot.

"Keith... You can't change your race. You don't need to blame yourself."

"Before this whole thing I was actually useful in the team! But of course my stupid race comes in the way and ruins everything!" Keith yelled, punching the duvet covers in anger. Lance grabbed him by the wrists.

"Okay okay calm down. Keith, you're always useful to the team. Don't think of yourself like that. You're the samurai ninja who's pretty much undefeated. Heck, you even took on Zarkon!"

"And lost!"

"You still did amazing! If I had taken him on, I would've been dead! You're an amazing contribution to our team, Keith. You shouldn't think anything different!" Lance wasn't sure where his words were coming from seeing as he'd always had issues admitting Keith was better at him but they seemed to be just coming out of his mouth easily.

"Do... Do you really mean that..?" Keith asked hesitantly.

"Of course I do! Now, don't worry about not falling behind in training. You'll be fine. Just focus on looking after your physical and mental health." Lance opened the medicine bottle and handed Keith the spoon. "You ready for this?"

Keith let out a sigh. He wasn't looking forward to this. He wasn't sure how much the medicine would effect his symptoms or how quickly, but he hoped it wouldn't be worse than what he was imagining.

"I guess so." He said, taking the bottle from Lance's hand and pouring the strange liquid onto the spoon. He swallowed it quickly, not waiting to taste the medicine. Lance put the bottle back on the side.

"So... now what? We wait for the medicine to kick in?" Lance asked.

"Yup... I guess we do."

AHHHHH I'm bad at writing helppppppppp. This was a bad filler chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 1200

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now