~The Choo Choo Train~

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Lance's P.O.V

After about ten minutes Shiro had arrived and the three of them pulled me and Keith out of the elevator. I quickly took Keith to his room, gave him his medicine and lay him down for bed.

"You have no idea how much better this feels than an elevator floor.." Keith mumbled, burying his face into the pillow. I chuckled lightly. As Keith shuffled around on the bed, I took a look at the bruises he'd gained from Texer's attacks. The two on the sides of his neck and the ones on his arms. I then noticed another purple bruise on his collar bone. I pointed to it.

"I don't remember you getting that bruise" I said. Keith looked down at it the best he could and poked it.

"Doesn't feel like a bruise really." He replied, stroking over it gently. "Maybe I got it from the Urubegs or whatever they were"

"Yeah, maybe" I said, but I still wasn't so sure. Had Texer been getting to him somehow?

"Hey Lance..?" Keith's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Could you get me something to eat please?"

Surprisingly, Keith looked kind of embarrassed to be asking me for something. Well, not really surprisingly. He seemed to shrink in on himself and bite his non-existent nails.

"Of course I can!" I replied. "What do you want?"

"I-I don't mind. Just whatever is in the kitchen."

"Okay" I made my way out the room and towards the kitchen, stopping by Coran on my way. He seemed to be busy messing with test tubes and machines.

"Hey Coran! What are you up to?" I asked. He turned around to face me and gave me his classic Coran smile. (we love a Coran smile)

"Hello Number Three!" Coran spoke as enthusiastically as ever. "I'm currently working on medicine that could cure Keith! It's taking a little while longer than I thought it would but I think I'm finally getting somewhere!"

"Really? Do you know how long it will take?"

"Unfortunately no, not quite yet. Just know I'm making quite the bit of progress!"

"Thanks Coran. Just so you know, Keith really appreciates it" I patted Coran on the back lightly and continued my journey to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I spotted Hunk and Pidge.

"Hey nerds" I said, punching Pidge on the shoulder lightly.

"Hey blue boi" Pidge replied, punching me back. "What are you doing out of Keith's room? I swear you're moving in with Keith"

"Okay first of all, I'm not moving in with Keith. Shiro gave me the duty to look after him. Secondly, Keith's hungry." I said, opening a cupboard. "Why do we not have any good food?"

"We had cookies, Lance. But SOMEONE ate them all and didn't share" Hunk said, eyeing me down. Ah, right, I did do that.

"Well I'm sorry I like cookies. Plus that doesn't solve my problem. I have a feeling food goo will just make Keith feel sick." I stated, opening more cupboards.

"Okay, you have a point. How about I make some soup for him? Something similar to leak and potato?" Hunk asked, already making his way to the kitchen counter.

"Sure, he'd like that" I walked over to Pidge and sat down next to her.

"What you doinnnn'" I asked, poking her shoulder. She swatted me in the face with her book.

"Learning Altean. Mostly so I can swear at you without you knowing" Pidge answered. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you'd wanna know that. Also tell me some Altean swear words. I wanna say them at Keith" I said, smirking evilly.

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