~Never Giving Up~

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Third P.O.V

"wOAH I SEE FIVE LANCES" Keith said as he rolled around on the bed and almost onto the floor. Lance caught him just in time to push him back onto the bed. Keith giggled and patted Lance's head.

"Tank wu kind sir" He said. Lance looked over to Shiro who looked like he was doing some deep thinking. Probably trying to fix this situation.

"Any ideas as to how we calm him down? I don't think going crazy is a good sign" Lance said, trying to settle Keith down as he rolled all over the place.

"Not a good sign at all. Maybe his temperature is too high?" Shiro theorised, placing his hand on Keith's head and wincing at the heat. "It's most likely that"

"Even with the wet cloth?"

"Seems like it"

"Whaaat are you two gossiping abouttt?" Keith asked, attempting to pull himself up to sit next to Lance. He managed to do it but ended up lying on Lance in the process, making Lance go bright red.

"N-Nothing! Now go to sleep!" Lance squealed, pushing Keith off of him and making him fall onto his back again.

"But I'm not tiredddd" Keith whined like a 3 year old.

"Keith, you need to rest. We can take care of you easier if you rest" Shiro said in his dad voice.

"But I'm already 2002 percent fine Shirio" Keith said, accidentally pronouncing Shiro's name wrong. Shiro rolled his eyes at the mistake but a small smile appeared on his face.

"Too bad mullet. It's sleep time" Lance pulled the covers over Keith but Keith just kicked them off.

"No sleepy time!"

"Fine. How about we make a deal? If you can stand up on your own for ten seconds, you can do what you want. However, if you can't do it then you have to go to sleep. Okay?" Lance bargained, a smug grin on his face. Shiro gave him a confused look and whispered to Lance.

"Keith wont stop trying. You know that, don't you?"

"Well he has to stop eventually" Lance replied, having the whole plan set up already. Shiro nodded.

"Okay! You're on!" Keith shouted, climbing out of bed. As Lance predicted, the second that Keith stood up, his legs gave way and he fell to the floor. Shiro caught him just before he could hit the floor too hard and lowered him down carefully. Lance chuckled slightly.

"That was just a testtt ya see" Keith said, pulling himself up. He managed to stand for a good three seconds before his knees began to shake and he fell again, on the bed this time. Keith lay there for a few minutes, trying to think of a new plan.

"Giving up so soon?" Lance asked, smirking evilly at Keith.

"You wish!" Keith replied, pulling himself up again and falling two seconds later.

Keith continued to stand for a few seconds, fall over and try again for about half an hour. He really wanted to stay awake. However, with every fall and every stand, Keith began to feel more and more exhausted. He seemed to have to use a ton of body strength just to pull himself up. Keith began getting slower and slower. Finding it more and more difficult. He managed to pull himself onto the bed, panting and sweating.

"You finally done?" Lance questioned. What Keith said next kind of took Lance by surprise.

"I don't give up easily. If I'm conscious, I can keep trying" And once again Keith pulled himself up and stood. He waited ten seconds and managed to stand through it all.

"I did it! I did it! HA SUCK ON THAT LANCE!" Keith bragged. He was very confused when he looked at Lance to see that he was still smiling.

"Uhh you do realise you lost, don't you?" Keith asked, flopping down on the bed and resting his eyes for a second.

"I may have lost to our little deal, but I didn't fail my goal"

"What..... what do you m-mean..." Keith asked, feeling himself start to drift off.

"Well, I got you to sleep. That was my goal" And before Keith could disagree, he was fast asleep. Lance looked at Shiro and smiled.

"I knew that would work"

"Good thinking Lance" Shiro said, giving the boy a light pat on the shoulder.

"Now let's hope he's better when he wakes up.."

This chapter was more about showing how Keith won't give up and how Lance can be smart when he puts his mind to it. I don't know if that was the message that was shown though. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 778

~Author Mill

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now