~Medicine Two~

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We're almost at the end! Here ya go!

Keith's P.O.V

It'd only been a few minutes since I'd swallowed my dose of the second medicine before a huge black cloud of smoke appeared out of me, twirling and swirling in the air before taking shape of a familiar form.


"Why hello there, Red Paladin." Texer said as it's body finished creating it's shape. Texer looked weird seeing it was just a much darker and evil looking version of me. "I see you're attempting to cure yourself."

"Wait wait wait," Lance interrupted. "Is this seriously the guy whose been whispering in your ears for god knows how long?"

"Uh.. yeah." I replied weakly.

"Ah, The Blue Paladin. What a pleasure it is to meet you at last." Texer grinned smugly and bowed.

"....Okay.. Anyways, it says here on the bottle that Texer should start to disappear in about three to four days. You just have to deal with him until them, Keith." Lance explained, reading a little note the creepy alien doctor had given him.

"That's plenty of time to talk, Red Paladin. We're going to have a lot of fun." Texer said.

"Can't we just lock him up? Why does he have to stay with me?" I asked.

"Well it says here that he can teleport to you and he has to stay within a certain distance with you so I'm afraid he's hear to stay." Lance answered.

"Ugh, whatever. Let's just go to breakfast."

It felt nice to be able to finally walk out of my room without feeling like I'm going to throw up after every step. It'd been too long since I'd been able to go to breakfast, too. Even if Texer was going to be there. it couldn't be that bad, right?

Turns out, we were the last to arrive to the dining room, meaning everyone stopped eating and stared the moment Texer was visible.

"Everyone, meet the annoying demon that's been messing with my head for the last few weeks." I said, taking a seat and frowning when Texer took his place right behind my chair.

"Pleasure to meet all of you. I assure you I'll be telling you all Keith's deepest and darkest insecurities very soon. Like the way he hates how he's galr-"

"Okay on second thought someone bring the food to my room. I'm not dealing with this." I said, standing up and quickly making my way back to my room. I knew what Texer was playing at. It wanted to scare me off so I would be alone. Jokes on it because it was working just perfectly. Great.

The minute I closed the door to my room, I flopped down on my bed, grabbing a pillow and shoving it over my ears as Texer began to curse about me. I closed my eyes and prayed he would just disappear already.

This was going to be a long week.


In my defence, I survived an entire day with Texer before things started to become too much. Unfortunately, seeing Texer has creepy links to my head, shoving a pillow over my ears can only do so much. I managed to eat the rest of my meals for the day and ignore Texer whilst doing so.

The night time was the worst.

When people are tired, they get emotional. They start to overshare and open up, losing control over what they want hidden away.

Mix that with a personal demon and you've got a recipe for disaster.

I didn't get to sleep at all that night. All I could hear was Texer's voice muttering in my ear. He muttered about family, friends, insecurities, secrets and more. You name it, he probably brought it up in a negative light.

~Galra Difficulties~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now