Chapter 6

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Chills trickle through my body. I take in a sharp breath and keep reading:

Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. I know that's probably exactly what someone who would hurt you would say, but I can assure you I won't. I know where you come from and I know your story, perhaps a little better than you. Of course you probably don't believe me at this point. Meet me on the pier near the school at midnight.


"You aren't going," Anastasia says as a take my eyes off the page,"either that or we're going with you."

"I don't think any of us should go," Sylvia pleads, her weariness showing in her tone. "He could kill us, you remember Miss Jo? That man took her, I don't want the same to happen to us."

"She's right," Ana starts, "we don't know anything about him."

"Then let's learn," Sam interjects, "why don't we show up, with weapons, and hear his plead. If we're all together we should be fine, it's four against one."

"Unless it's a trap, and there's dozens more like him waiting just to ransack us," Ana speaks, raising her voice ever so slightly.

Honestly I was with Sam, we are strong, we can fight off whatever happened. Sure there is a risk, a large risk at that. But there is also the possibility we could learn our past. We could get something I've always wanted, yet never come close to, answers.

"We're going." I say sternly and walk to my room.

I lay down on my bed and plug in my iPod, trying to mentally prepare for the events about to occur, although something inside me tells me it is impossible.

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