Chapter 26

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We all turn our attention to her.
She steps out from behind a hidden door.
My body becomes frozen, and out of my peripheral I can see everyone is in the same state as I.

"Now now don't all come at me at once," she cackles, praising her work. "Don't worry you will be able to move in a minute, though not freely. Guards!"

Men clothed in black with what reminded me of roman helmets come in. I feel my body loosen and I regain my ability to move. Though as the witch said the moment was short lived, and soon guards were leading us out of the dungeon.

I try reading the guard's thoughts, but have no luck. They dont't appear to be magical, but understanding Regina there's no possible way she would let our powers slide.

We continue up the stairs, her wickedness leading the way.
The harsh cobblestone steps eventually transform to marble tiles, and the dim lighting becomes a sickening white.

The ground flattens and we walk through a door into an extravagant walkway, complete with high arched ceilings and deep colored marble textures throughout.

"Lovely isn't it?" Regina sneers, "much better than when little Miss winter lived here." She smirks at Snow/mama.

"Yes It's lovely Regina. Nice and dark , just like your soul." Snow sasses, earning a tug from the guard. Charming/ dad looked like he was about to burst, which he would've but Regina was smart and kept two guards with him and left his whole upper body frozen. As was done to Hook, although she should've done so to my sisters and I. We may be tiny, but we are mighty.

We approach two large black doors and enter into an thrown room embellished with gems and a crystal chandelier.

To the right of a giant throne is a table surrounded by chairs. Sitting in one if them is the huntsman. He is playing with one of his bows, lost in thought. I look into his eyes, expecting cold, black holes, but instead I find soft blue oceans. Instead of being full of evil, his eyes held something along the lines of broken compassion, as if he were trying to love, but his heart was shackled.

A door across the room opens, and my stomach drops. I feel my blood boil and my heart begin to race. A pretty deadly combination in my opinion. A reaction caused by only one guy, Peter Pan.

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