Chapter 7

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I emerged from my room at about 11:30, to find a scene that was almost comical.

When Sam said we'd bring weapons, she REALLY meant weapons. Our entire kitchen was covered with an assortment of guns, knives, and swords. It looked like something out of a Batman movie.

"Is this this really necessary?" I asked, suppressing my laughter.

"It sure is," Ana said, tossing me a belt, It had slots to hold weapons.
"Take your pick," she said gesturing toward the kitchen table/weapon supply co.

"Out of curiosity, why wouldn't we just create weapons if the situation got rough?" I asked.

"Gotta look tough, let em know we mean business," Sam answered, loading a shotgun.

"This is the pinnacle of ridiculousness," I mumbled under my breath.

I loaded my belt up and we (somehow miraculously fitting everything everything into one car) drove to the pier.

The pier was long and went out about 200 yards into the ocean. The lights weren't on, but one was still permitted on, you just had to acknowledge the fact that if you fell in the water, you most likely weren't coming back out.

We got out our flashlights and looked around. There was a figure and another light at the very end of the pier. Pete.

"Of course he's gonna make us walk," I griped as we made our way to the end.

When we finally reached him he had his back turned to us, casually looking out into the ocean.

"Well if it isn't the sass pack," He said turning around, "now with artillery," he laughed.

If this situation wasn't so tense I'd probably be laughing too, it wasn't everyday you see four teenage girls with more weaponry than the SWAT team.

Suddenly a knife flew through the air, stopping around his neck, pushing him toward the railing.

We all turned to Sam.

"Tell us what you know," she demanded, staring him down.

"Let me go and I will," he said, struggling to keep his balance.

Ana spoke up, "just let him go, even I think this is a little ridiculous."

"C'mon this makes it more interesting!" Sam whined.

"I think four girls with magic powers trying to find out what alien planet they come from is interesting enough," I retorted.

Sam rolled her eyes and the knife flew away from Pete.

"Alright where do you want me to start?" He asked.

"Tell us everything you know," Ana said.

"Whoa that's a lot, but here it goes," he replied,"well you aren't from here."

"Big surprise there," I mumbled.

"Are you gonna interrupt me every five seconds?" He said, giving me an annoyed look.

I shook my head no and he continued,"well as I was saying, you aren't from her, not from this city ,not from this planet, not from this realm. You see there are many different realms, there's the one I come from, and then there's the Magic Forest, and then there's this one, plus hundreds of others. You all come from one called Floristian. Your parents are the King and Queen."

"Did something happen to them?Why are we here?" Ana asked.

"I was getting to that," Pete continued,"when you were born your parents found out about your powers and became afraid. They sent you with a woman and told her to lock you away and keep your powers hidden from their realm, and any other realm."

"Why did Miss Jo disappear when that man came? And why couldn't I read his thoughts, yours too?" I asked.

"You can't read magic beings' thoughts, Miss Jo was a fairy, and that man was a wizard. He was trying to free you from her, allow you to use your magic as you wished."

"Wait what are you?" Sylvia asked.

"Just a random guy with magic and pixie dust ." He answered smiling.

"Wait, what's your name?" I demanded.

"Pete Panowski." He replied.

"No," I said," your REAL name."

A smirk appeared on his face as he answered,

"Peter Pan."

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