Chapter 19

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I stared at him. This man, he was from a place. A place completely unknown to us, yet completely visible to his mind. We shared different paths, but the same origin.

"What?" Sam speaks up. Speaking the words that rushed through all our brains.

The man repeats his words, "Floristian, that's my home realm."

His face lacks the reminiscent glow that most people have when speaking about their home. Instead, his face is emotionless. The only sense of feeling evident in his short, yet serious words.

"Drew that's impossible," Hook says, "I have a map of all the realms and that one isn't there."

Sadness broke through his face, causing his eyes to dull and his already tamed smile to fall into a compressed frown.

"It's a long story," His voice quivers,"A terrible story. Wait how do you know about it?" He gives us a suspicious glare.

"We are the..princesses?" Sylvia responds.

Happiness warms his face.

"You're alive! You're alive!!" He smiles.

"Wait," I start, "what would make you think we weren't?"

He lets out a sigh. "It is a somewhat long story, but one you four are entitled to hear. I warn you, it doesn't have a happy ending."

We all nod, signaling we were ready for whatever tale was to be told. Sylvia makes his another seat, and he sits down next to Hook.

"It was around fifteen years ago. I was about sixteen, had a wonderful life. Floristian was perfection, I'll never forget it. Everything was so beautiful. The place was a spawn of beauty and love. We had a king and a queen, your mother and father. They had escaped to the realm, built the town, taught happiness and kindness. Eventually they became the leaders, well deserved too. Then came you four, you were their blessings. Festivals were held the day you were born. Ones that lasted for days. Everyone was happy, joyful, happy. Then came the dark day. The day the evil came and took our paradise away. All I remember is a dark cloud and then I woke up in a whole new realm. I lost everything. My friends, my family, my home." His eyes glistened with tears.

"Then how did we get out?" Ana asks, her eyes begging to swell as well.

"I'm not sure," he replies, "There had been talk days before about an upcoming danger, no one took it seriously though. I believe your parents had an emergency evacuation plan for you. They made sure your fairy god mother watched you day and night."

"Woah wait," Sam interrupts, "who was our..?"

"Miss Jo." I answer.

This story made sense, but it didn't match Peter's. Not even close. This man was lying, he had to be.

"You're a liar." I plainly speak, allowing a cold edge to break through. "Peter told us about our parents, and I trust him more than I will ever trust you." Anger seeped through my body, causing me to tremble.

"Peter Pan?" Drew sneers, "He was there, he helped her. He took my life away from me. From us."

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