Chapter 18

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Thankfully, I hear a buzz of thoughts from the men. Meaning they weren't magical beings. That would make things a little easier for us.

They are all thinking the same thing, "Who they hell are they?" That's when Hook speaks up.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He demands, a slight British accent spilling through his words.

"Don't think about hurting us! We are friends with Pan and he will save us." Sam sneers at him.

His face grows angry, "First of all my ship is charmed, Peter can't control nor see on it, second of all you don't know my story nor-"

That's when Sylvia wakes up.

"Hey guys," she says groggily, still in a tranced state. She looks at Hook, "oooo well hello thereeeee." She winks at him. He chuckles.

"She must have gotten struck with a mermaid shell. They are coated with a special poison, knocks you out and makes you extremely loopy. You four follow me, I have antidote. Then I have questions to ask you." He walks over to Sylvia and helps her up, letting her lean on his shoulder.

The whole crew, including Hook, had seemed to calm down instantly. I smile to myself, oh Anastasia.

We follow Hook down a flight of stairs and into the heart of the ship. The only conversation being Sylvia's babbling.

"Ooooooooo I've neverrrrrrr beeeeen on a shipppp," she slurred laughing.

We stop in front of a room and walk in. It's an office, with books lining the shelves, and an assortment of maps covering the large tables.

Sam takes Sylvia as Hook begins to search through the drawers.

"Here it is." He says and walks over to us, a small bottle of clear liquid in his hand. "Drink up." He hands the bottle, lid off, to Sylvia.

"Ooooooo chocolateeeeeee," she giggles and takes a sip. Within seconds her previously glazed eyes are back to normal, and she is able to stand up on her own.

"What happened?" She asks us, then she notices Hook. "And you're Captain Hook." She backs away a bit. He smiles.

"You were struck with a poison, thankfully I had an antidote, wouldn't want a pretty girl like you to get lost to a flock of mermaids." He flashes a flirtatious grin at her.

Sylvia blushes and we glare at Hook. We may all be around the same age, but that didn't make us any less protective of each other. Especially when highly attractive, potentially deadly, about five years older pirates come into play.

Hook changes his attention from Sylvia to all of us.

"Alright I will have Mr.Schmee take you to your room for the night. I will question you in the morning. I guess for now you are our technical prisoners." He walks out and soon a guy comes in and guides us to a small room with two sets of bunk beds and a small, dingy bathroom. Clearly a big downgrade from what we'd gotten accustomed to.

We stand in silence for a few seconds before Ana breaks it.

"I just noticed something, where are your lockets?" She asks motioning to the one around her neck.

Honestly I hadn't thought of the locket, nor our alleged home realm since we'd come to Neverland. I took the locket off the first day of training, and had no idea of its whereabouts.

Sylvia and Sam must've have had the same feelings as I, because they both admit to losing it too.

Ana scowls. "Well that's okay not like they're are only piece of our home."

"This is our home." I snap at her.

She just shakes her head and climbs into her bed, mumbling a soft goodnight and turning her back toward us.

Quickly after that I do the same, much too traumatized and exhausted to stay up any longer. Then I hear Sam and Sylv rustle into bed and the light is shut off.

The next morning we are awoken to the sound of Hook yelling at us to get up. We do so and follow him through the corridor back to the office we had been in the day before.

He sits behind his desk and motions for us to sit in the two seats in front of him. Quickly Sylvia creates two more chairs. Hook stares at her in shock as we take our seats.

"Well, I guess that's a good place to start, what the hell kind of magic was that? And are you all that way?" He gives us an inquisitive glare.

We explain to him each of our powers and he just nods, not allowing emotion to break through his face.

"Where are you from?" He asks.

"Earth," Sam replies.

He smiles, "That's a magic less realm, where are you really from?"

I sigh before answering, "A realm called Floristian. Our parents outcasted us when we were little."

"Funny, I've never heard of that land. Who told you about it? And how did you get here?" He asked, a confused tone in his voice.

"Peter." I calmly reply. He bursts out laughing.

"Really, him? Of all the people in the realms you trust in him? He may look like a boy but he's a bloody demon."

"Just because you don't get along with him doesn't mean he's a terrible person." I sneer at him.

Before he has a chance to reply there is a knock on the doorway. Standing there is one of Hook's crewmen. A brunette man who looked to be in his late thirties.

"Excuse me captain, but did someone say Floristian?" He eagerly asks.

"Uh yah we did why?" Hook replies annoyed.

The man stutters for a second before replying, "Because I'm from there."

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