Chapter 32

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I quickly arise, only to become engulfed in a scene of utter chaos.

Peter had taken his mask off and was across the room battling with Regina. Spells burst between the two, creating a fireworks show.

The huntsman arrives, but instead of helping the queen he fires arrows at the guards, freeing my companions.

I search desperately for my sisters, only to find them all absorbed in the battle. Sam hurls objects at the guards (which were now coming in from all parts of the castle) while Sylvia creates them. Ana sits in the corner. Her work is furtive, only being noticed when a guard coincidently decides it is a good idea to knock himself out.
I look behind me to see Drew, Hook, Snow, and Charming locked in battle, all holding weapons courtesy of Sylvia.

The lost boys had joined too, hooting and hollering at each move. Oh how I have missed them.

I make eye contact with Sylv and the next thing I know I have a bow and arrow in hand.

I begin to fire shots at the guards, easily reading their next move. Swiftly moving past punches and slipping past swords. A rush of adrenaline surges through my body, a mix of fear and courage. Regina's team may own the castle, but we've built the moat. And right now, she's sinking in it.

After what feels like an eternity, the huntsman kills the last guard.

We all look at each other and exchange tired yet triumphant glances.

Then we hear a crash from the hallway.
Regina and Peter must've taken their fight elsewhere.

We quickly run to the corridor, to find one of the happiest things I've seen since I've been in this hell castle.

Peter has Regina trapped, chains around her hands, and her feet dangling below her floating body.

"This isn't over!" She screams, flailing her feet.

"Why? Would you like some tea or something?" Peter teases, a triumphant smirk on his face.

We put Regina in the dungeon, under one of Peter's strongest spells.

When we arrive back in the throne room all of the guards are gone.

"Uhmm where did-" Ana starts to ask.

"Eh they're good," Peter responds. Everyone quickly averts the subject, probably due to fear of finding out where he actually put them.

"Well," Mama Snow begins, "there's certainly a lot of things that need to be done. Although I guess the biggest things out of the way."

Next is introductions. The huntsman, who's name turns out to be Graham, explains how he was imprisoned by the queen (after choosing not to kill Snow White) and more than happy to overthrow her. Next the lost boys introduce themselves as well, the lost boys.

Then Peter talks. He explains how he used to have a deal with the queen, but wanted out. Only she didn't approve, so she strung him along. He could've easily gotten out at any time, but he used his powers to finish her off.

"What made you want out? You certainly weren't always an angel on that island mate," Hook asks.

A smile appears on his lips, "Um I guess, as cliché as it sounds, some feelings came into play that were stronger than my twisted logic."

His eyes lock with mine, and a warmth rushes through me.

An invisible bandage is wrapped around my heart, and the war inside has reached a treaty. Now white flags were on the horizon, and maybe even my happy ending.

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