Chapter 13

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We explored the rooms until it was time to leave. After a completely ridiculous conversation about what we should wear, we decided on staying in the clothes we were in already. Partially due to times sake, and partially due to our reluctance to fully strip away our old home forever.

As we approached the ladder we heard what sounded like a party upstairs. Drums were being hit, and music that sounded like wind pipes was flowing through the air.

One by one we climbed up the ladder.

Once at the surface I saw the campfire had been lit, with the lost boys dancing around it. Moving in time with the flames themselves.

Upon arrival I'd noticed the lost boys didn't fit under the "magical being category." Therefore their thoughts were mine for the taking. Of course these thoughts were what I'd expected. Four teenage girls coming to an island of all teenage guys didn't leave much of a gap for eclectic thinking. However, the boys' thoughts were surprisingly respectful, kind even. Their brains went to the adjectives "beautiful" and "stunning" rather than the choice words I remembered hearing back home, thus leading me to believe the lost boys truly were from another time, but not quite another world. Although I will say, their thoughts did make me blush, and earn a little more trust for this place.

Tonight however, their thoughts were nearly silent. They were so consumed by the beautiful music and beating of the drums, their brain could simply think no other thoughts. That must be what true happiness is like. No thought, just feeling. A secure feeling.

I noticed some of the boys beating drums, but my eyes continued to scan for the source of the pipe melody.

On the other side of the fire, Peter was sitting on a log, playing a set of wind pipes, watching the party in front of him. Whilst fueling it at the same time.

Some of the lost boys stepped out of the dancing circle and invited us to join. My other sisters gladly took the offer but I politely declined and headed off towards Peter's direction.

I sat down on the space of log next to him and watched him play his pipes, then a thought occurred to me.

"Why can I hear those?" I asked gesturing toward his pipes.

"Hello to you too," he teased, pulling the pipes away from his mouth, "and I think you know why."

He knew exactly what I was referring to, the piper in the story. How only lonely children could hear his cheerful music.

"But I'm not lonely," I argued him, "I have my sisters."

He chuckled, "You were cast away from your parents and living in a world not of your origin. Sure you may not be lonely, but you're more lost than any of the boys here."

My fist collides with his face, slightly lessening the anger inside me. I know I am lost, that isn't a surprise. But there is something about hearing about my parents again that makes my blood boil.

"Well thanks for that," Peter says turning back toward me, a smirk on his face, "that reminds me, you and your sisters start training tomorrow, and something tells me you'll be good at it."

"Training for what?" I ask.

"Battle. This island may seem like a paradise, but even a paradise comes into trouble every now and then. Plus besides this, it's what we do for fun," he finished, smiling.

"Hmm only you could turn a mention of upcoming conflict into a lighthearted conversation," I said, returning his smile.

"Well we can continue this tomorrow, go enjoy the party." With that he returned his pipes back to his mouth and played the same music.

I got up and joined the circle of dancing people. Letting my thoughts go, and just focusing on the music. Moving as if the flames were my energy, and the beat my direction. For the first time in my life, I wasn't consumed by mental words, from my mind and others.

For once I was truly happy.

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