Chapter 27

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"Ahhh Pan there you are," Regina says smiling, "Just in time for our visitors."

The guards form us into an arc surrounding the throne, which Regina throws herself into, as if it were a lounge chair instead of an ornate sculpture.

Peter stands to her right. I glare at him but he keeps his eyes averted. Smart boy.

"What are you waiting for Regina? You've got what you've always wanted," Snow says. Her once soft voice was now full of venom.

"Hmmm it seems I have. Although I will need to find out how you love birds lived in the first place, and of course the full powers on those brats," she said giving us a disgusted look. "I just wanted to bring you all up here to reminisce old times, I mean after all Snow your children might want to know a little about their mother. How you betrayed me, ruined my life forever. Yet I win, I always win." She walks around looking at all of us like a tiger stalking it's prey. "Also I thought you would all be interested in seeing some old friends. Of course who could forget the huntsman that spared you or the great Pan himself."

He makes no emotion to her introduction. His face remains stern, his eyes meeting everything but my own.

"Well I suppose that's it then," Regina demands, "Take them back. Executions will begin after interrogation. Don't count on the rest of your lives, count down."

I feel my body tighten at the word execution.
The guards drag us all out, and take us back to the dungeon.

When we get there my sisters and I return to our previous cell while the others get put into the cell across from us.

The guards leave and we sit in silence, all still processing what had just happened.

I force my brain to shut out Regina and focus on Pan, a slightly better subject.
All he'd ever been doing was stringing me along like a cat with yarn. It would have been easy if he had just completely been rude to me and cut me off at the betrayal. That way I could've just moved on, been done with it. But the look in his eyes when Regina first came, and the letter attached to the key make me believe there is something more there, that what we had was real, and that's what angers me the most.

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