Chapter 29

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We continue to sit in silence until the dungeon door opens once again. I guess Regina feels like starting her treachery, well extending it, early.

A guard walks in, and calls for my sisters and I.

We exchange looks and exit the cell door. Three more guards enter and each one takes our arms.

We are taken back into Regina's lair, except Pan and the hunstman are gone. The witch sits alone on her throne, watching us like a lioness watches her prey. The guards line us up in the same formation as when we first visited this lovely room.

"Ah look there are the gorgeous girls," She says, giving us a fake smile.

"Now Regina you aren't going to start being nice to us are you?" I respond giving her a faker smile.

"Well then Arabella let's start with you. Would you mind telling me darling the extent of your powers."

I chuckle. "Why the hell would I tell you that?"

"Smart girl," Regina says scowling. "Of course I'm honestly only asking you this out of respect. I can find out everything I need from your boyfriend." She gives me an evil smirk.

I feel my blood begin to boil. "My powers can't even harm you. So why do you care?"

"Well it's simple really," she gets up off her throne and begins to pace between us. "I have a proposition for all of you. Stay here, work with me. I can train you, protect you, and become the mother you never had."

"We have a mother," Ana responds coldly.

"Biologically speaking you do, but she doesn't understand you like I do. She can't teach you in the ways of magic. With me you can go beyond your limits. The four of you could become the most powerful sorceresses that ever lived."

This woman is insane. She captures us, and then tries to talk us into staying with her. She must genuinely believe we are stupid enough to even consider her offer.

"No. Plain and simple the answer is no. I know I speak for my sisters when I we'd rather live in that dungeon then spend forever here with you," Sam says, giving Regina a hard gaze. One that is matched by the rest of us.

The evil queen begins to shake her head. "Oh my dear, I was afraid you'd say that. If you had considered it I may have even let you live longer. But of course that isn't the case, you must die with the people you claim to be your parents. Don't worry I'll let you enjoy one last night of sleep. Executions begin in the morning. How does a nice beheading sound?" She gives an evil chuckle, and I feel my blood turn to ice.

After how far we'd come, after all we'd been through, this is how we would end. There's no more cheating the grim reaper, our fate has been set.

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