Chapter 10

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I was frozen. My eyes locked with my attacker's. The sub. How could I be so stupid? I couldn't read his thoughts. I'd been so distracted by "come to neverland with me" boy I hadn't even noticed. I'm an idiot, and now I'm going to die because of it.

"Now now class stay calm, I'm just taking care of I'm only after dear Anastasia and Arabella."He gave an evil smirk.

I used my peripheral vision to see if Ana had been hit already, thankfully her scream was just panic, not pain.
"Stand," he yelled at me. I reluctantly did so, moving out of my desk and into the aisle.

The sub draws back his arrow. I take in a sharp breath. This was it, the end. They found us. I close my eyes and wait.

He releases the arrow. I hear a scream from Ana and I know I'm done.

Suddenly I feel a body in front of mine, and no arrow.

I open my eyes to see Pete standing directly in front of me, holding the arrow directly in front of my heart.

"Get Down!!" He screams, and lunges at the sub.

The sub shoots several more arrows but Pete swerves out of their path. Soon he is close enough to fight. He takes a swing, hitting his target perfectly, knocking the attacker out cold. Taking the man's bow and arrows he gets up, quickly gesturing for Ana and I to follow. I didn't have time to read the other kids' minds, but something told me they were traumatized.

The spastic array of kids scattered throughout the hallway confirmed my suspicions. Everyone was standing around, panicked. Unfortunately I couldn't be in that state, I didn't have time.

We ran behind Pete, trying to keep up. Sylvia and Sam saw us and immediately joined. They could sense there was something wrong by our faces. Plus Ana was running, and she never runs unless absolutely necessary.

Eventually we arrived at the the school parking lot, where Pete asked to take him to our car. We did and he immediately hopped into the driver seat. The rest of us piled in and we zoomed off.

We drove to a Walmart and parked.

"Now will you listen to me?" Pete asked us. We all nodded.
"Good," he continued,"we leave tonight."

He drove us to our condo and said he'd be back when night came.

We only packed sentimental items, although there were few. Material objects weren't needed, for us there were always more.

At around 11 there was a knock on our door.

"You ready?" Pete asked as we opened the door, we all nodded and followed him.

We walked out onto the beach, the sea black on the horizon.

"I know I said there isn't any magic here, but there's an exception. My traveling to neverland. How else would you get that crazy story?" He smiled and reached out for my hand. I grabbed Ana's and so on until we were a chain.

"Here we go," Pete said smiling.

"Hold up," I interjected,"don't we need like pixie dust or something?"

"Nah." He replied and we began to rise.

We got higher and higher. I watched as the town I once felt safe in drifted farther away. Not that it'd feel any closer to it even if I was in it, not after today's events, not ever.

I looked ahead at the night sky. It was strange flying without an airplane, without anything normal, just magic.

"Well here we go," Peter spoke, "Second Star To The Right and Straight on Till Morning!!!"

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