Chapter 11

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We flew higher and higher until the star I'd been focusing on becomes a bright reality.

I had no idea how this was going to work. In science we had learned about the atmosphere and of course that wonderful thing called oxygen, also that stars were millions of miles away. How the heck were we going to get to this place?

"Idiot," I mutter at myself.

Why was I using any sort of logic in this situation? I'm a mind reading girl who is flying through the air with Peter Pan and my other magical sisters. Science doesn't understand this, let alone know about it, yet another reason my sisters and I had always been on the move. Miss Jo taught us at a young age the world wasn't like us, and what the world doesn't understand, it kills.

The light from the star was getting closer and closer, engulfing us in a blinding warmth.

I squeezed Ana and Pete's hands tighter and closed my eyes.

Everything went silent.

Then I heard a large Whoosh! sound and the chorus of wind picked up again, along with the crash of the ocean.

The ocean.

I open my eyes.

Below me is an island. Most of which is covered in thick forest, with the exception of a few cliffs and coves, as well as the sandy beach that surrounded the land.

"Welcome to Neverland," Peter said smiling back at us.

I laugh to myself, a couple of the details from the Disney movie were visible, making this whole adventure feel like a trip to Disney world. Only a much more extreme version.

We inch closer and closer to the island. Soon we are soaring above the tree tops. I close my eyes and feel the breeze. This was paradise.

As our fast pace began to slow, I open my eyes to find we are headed toward a gap in the trees. A round, campground looking settlement, minus the tents and families trying to bond by eliminating their children's' wifi.

My feet gently land on the dirt and I hear Ana let out a sigh if relief. How could I forget, she hates heights. That would explain the heavy breathes I heard behind me the whole trip. We unlatch hands and gather around Peter, waiting for some sort of information on this strange paradise.

"Welcome!" He starts, "to Neverland! You all are welcome to stay here for as long as you like! But first there's some people I want you to meet. C'mon boys!" He shouts.

A cluster of guys our age pile out of a large tree near the edge of the circular clearing. The lost boys.

Sam nudges me whispering, "Wow a tropical island with cute boys, what more could a girl want?"

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