Chapter 8

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A second of silence passed before it was broken by laughter.

My sisters and I looked at each other, amusement twinkling in our eyes. This guy really was crazy.

"You mean to tell us," Ana started," you are Peter Pan? Like THE Peter Pan?"

Pete/Peter nodded.

"Wow you're crazy," Sam said, chuckling.

"Go ahead call me crazy," Peter said,"just remember you're the ones with super power abilities. Would you let me finish now?"

"Ooooo there's more?!" Samantha said, still laughing,"this is like a bad infomercial."

I stayed quiet. Sure the whole idea of him being a story book character was hilarious, but there was something in his voice, something about him that made it seem possible. Even real.

He glared at Sam before starting again,"I've been sent here to take you with me. Your parents are after you, and it is my job to keep you safe."

"That was Miss Jo's job," Sylvia interjected,"but like you said, she was trying to contain us, not protect us."

He smiled," ah yes but I will take you to a place much more hidden than this realm. A place where magic is everywhere."

"Neverland," I finished.

He gave his now seemingly signature smirk and nodded.

"You wouldn't have to leave tonight of course," he continued," I'll give you a day or two to consider it."

"Gee thanks," Sam sneered.

"I'm just saying that you'd be safest coming with me," There was an undeniable sincerity in his voice.

"One question," I said,"If you really are who you say you are, fly."

"I can't, there is no magic in this realm."

"Your joking right?" Ana said, lifting an eyebrow.

"The reason you four have magic is because your magic is of a powerful origin." He explained.

"Wow we're more powerful than Peter Pan, we should get a Disney movie," I said chuckling.

"This isn't funny," Pete said, his face growing more serious, "If you don't go with me you have a higher risk of getting caught. Please consider it."

With that, he walked off. Leaving us in a cloud of thought.

After we left we climbed back in the car, relieved to not have as heavy of a load. Thankfully Sylvia also had the ability to destroy material objects.

The ride home was quiet, all of us too deep in thought to even strike up a bit of small talk.

Once home, I changed and went to bed.

I knew sleep wasn't a very possible option at this point, but I closed my eyes and tried anyway.

A couple times a came close to drifting asleep, but the same thought pulled me back.

If Miss Jo wanted to keep us contained, why would she tell us to run?

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