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7:00 am.

Every morning she would wake up at that exact time. Get changed and ready for work. Eat breakfast and walk up the stairs to the next floor. Meet her cousin at her flat and head to Henrik's where they both worked.

It was a good place to work, even if they got small pay, it was a nice little job to have. Willow's mum wanted them to take another job but they agreed that this was only part-time so she could raise enough money to become truly independent from her parents' activities and get her own place. They'd always been interesting people, however, she did love them but Willow found that they either did too much or, in her case, too less at the same time.

Her cousin, Rose, only works because she has to. She dropped out of school to support her ex-boyfriend, Jimmy Stone, but that led to all kind of situations which ended up in Jimmy being thrown in prison. Rose never deserved him.

But that was their life now. Stuck in a never-ending job.

Rose and she would catch the next red double-decker bus before it headed off in the other direction and, within ten minutes, they'd arrive.

All they did there is just hang clothes or stack them up by mannequins. All normal. Around lunchtime, Rose would go see her boyfriend Mickey and eat chips while Willow was left covering for her. Her job might not be the best but it's better than nothing.

She walked over to a fallen mannequin that two kids knocked over. While she liked kids, some of them were fairly annoying. As she put it back up, Willow noticed a man staring at her in the men's section. He was wearing what looked like a navy blue World War II jacket and had jet black hair. He reminded her of one of those boys in West Side Story. She felt a little creeped out, due to never meeting this man in her life.

As soon as he saw her looking, he gave her a smile and nodded. She wanted to smile back but her unsurety got the best of her. Although, before Willow could do anything, he walked off.

She brushed it off, thinking he was only looking for someone to help him as she finished putting the mannequin back up and started to walk away.

Willow froze, upon hearing a squeak behind her. She turned around to see the mannequin had moved positions slightly, its head now facing her direction. She stared into its plastic eyes. The only problem was it felt like it was staring back. Willow reached out at it and-


She screamed, quickly pulling her hands over her mouth so she wouldn't draw attention to herself. As Willow looked behind her, she saw from the smooth hands that it was her boyfriend of nine months, James, with his arms around her shoulders.

"James you scared me to death!" She slapped her arm before giving him a hug.

"Sorry I couldn't resist," He walked over to the mannequin and started playing with its arms. "Hello, Willow! Me name's Terry! Wanna go out and drink?"

She quickly yanked him away from the mannequin. "Stop messing about."

He held her closer and pulled Willow into a passionate kiss. She pushed him away when her eyes spotted one of the managers walking about. "You'll get me fire-"

"Shh..." He put his finger onto her lips, leaning in and whispering in her ear. "I'll see you tomorrow then." He planted another kiss on her lips as he wandered off.

She awkwardly giggled to herself, blushing as she wandered away without realising that the mannequin had moved its head back to the original direction it was facing.


After twenty minutes, Willow called up Rose because one of the managers had realised she'd vanished. She quickly rushed back but they still knew what she did, which led Rose having to go give Wilson the lottery money he recently won. In Willow's opinion, he was an annoying git and everybody hated him.

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