Aliens of London

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It's been a year since the attack. The world has managed to recover, but Willow was sure that she would never. Since that night, she had been grief-stricken but kept it hidden.

Rose was still missing, however, that call that Jackie got last year was the last she'd heard from her. The police investigation had been going for months though they were now losing hope, as was the others. The main suspect at the moment was Mickey but he wouldn't tell anyone what happened that night.

She slept in Rose's room as it was obvious that she wasn't returning anytime soon. But it was a good way to remember her by. Willow just held on to the hope that she wasn't dead.

"Wake up, sweetheart!" Jackie shouts through her door. "I'm making you a nice milky tea!"

She sat up and pointing a thumbs-up towards the door, even though she couldn't see. "Thanks Jacks!"

Willow lied back on the bed thinking about my dreams. She didn't get them much lately. Nowadays, they were usually repeats of ones she had before, but it didn't matter. The dreams meant no significance to her, they only scared her as she slept.

Finally, she got herself up and out, heading into the kitchen for her tea. She saw Jackie waiting for her while sipping her own tea.

"Morning, darling." She said as Willow wandered into the kitchen.

"Morning." She smiled. "How did your little date night go?"

"Better than expected!" Jackie said in a sarcastic manner. "Turns out he was cheating on his wife and had seven other mistresses. Perfect man right?"

Willow giggled. "Wow."

All of a sudden, the women were interrupted by the door being unlocked and slamming shut very quickly. No one else had a key to their door, so how did they get in?

Jackie walked out to see who it was as the stranger spoke. "I'm back! I was with Shareen. She was all upset again. Are you in?"

The person turned the corner, shocking both of them. It was Rose.

Jackie gasped as soon as she saw her, though Rose didn't notice yet. "So, what's been going on? How've you been? What? What's that face for? It's not the first time I've stayed out all night."

Willow wandered by Jackie's side and observed her mug of tea drop to the ground. Rose seemed surprised by her reaction. Then she glanced over at her cousin curiously, probably wondering what she was doing in their flat.

However, Willow's mind was occupied with so many questions, wanting to know what had happened to her and why Rose was acting like she had only left for a few days.

"It's you." She whispered as Jackie was starting to tear up a bit.

"Of course, it's me." Rose calmly replied.

"Oh, my God. It's you. Oh, my God." Jackie went in to hug Rose while she looked on in confusion. She then noticed the numerous amounts of 'missing person' posters on the table. Her eyes widened, eventually catching onto why her family was so surprised to see her.

Suddenly, the door swung open again as a man, dressed in a leather jacket and dark clothes, ran in. He had a shaved head and big ears; it was hard not to laugh at them. "It's not twelve hours, it's twelve months. You've been gone a whole year. Sorry."

He sounded northern like Willow's father. But why did he say twelve hours?

Jackie looked at him with astonishment as Rose's face shocked face contorted into one of anger. Meanwhile, Willow was processing what had just occurred in the span of a five minutes.

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