The Longest Dream

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The song above is 'Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These' by Eurythmics. I am sure some of you recognise this as Quicksilver's Theme in X-Men: Apocalypse when *spoilers* he saves the school from destruction.

I thought that this was the perfect song to put here 😄


Raven awoke to the sound of birds pecking at her window, made of pure Asgardian crystals, their sweet song flowed through the glass. She arose from her silk bed; running over to the window and peeping out atop of the High Mountains of Gallifrey. Today was the day.

Swiftly, she changed into her baroque robes and raced downstairs, Raven's father, Cornelius, was waiting at the bottom.

"Is it time?" She queried.

He kissed her forehead "Soon." He continued to work on a device Raven took no notice of until now.

"What are you making?" The young Gallifreyan girl asked.

He looked at her, calmly speaking. "None of your concern." Her father slipped the item into his pocket, patting it for safety.

Raven nodded. "I've waited over 100 years and-"

"We all have." He interrupted. "The Gallifreyan Aurora Borealis only comes once in a lifetime." They heard a ding; they gazed up to see the clock strike the hour of nine. It was time. "And here it is." He grinned.

Her father grabbed her hand and they sprinted down the red and gold mountain, their observatory was perched upon. Raven stroked the silver trees as they passed them, her fingertips glowing a metallic silver.

The amber sky blackened; the stars shined bright as a rainbow of colour filled the atmosphere. They stood under a gold willow tree, watching the colours dance in the midnight sky. A cascade of tinted blue swirled through dashes of red; creating a violet shade.

She smiled as it whirled through the stars. "It's beautiful."

The girl leaned into her father's chest, his two hearts beating with joy. His dusty hand stroked her soft brown hair; it was strange being a brunette as she was originally born with blonde hair. That's what happens when you regenerate though.

"I bet you'll see those stars in the future." Her father remarked. "Up close; bright and burning."

She hesitated. "I can't."

He tapped her chin, lifting her head. "I named you Raven for a reason." His fingers combed through her hair "Ravens fly. You can't stay here."

"Just watch me, father." giggled Raven. "I'd rather be a willow tree," She glanced up to the tree they stood by. "Sticking to the ground."

"But you can still get blown away by the wind."

"I know." She beamed. "I just don't choose to." He held her closer as the lights leapt across the sky.


Another flash struck the ground; fire erupted as Raven saw three Daleks float towards the city. Her father tweaked and plastered metal onto the device once more, sparking it.

"Father, please!" She ran down to him. "I'm begging you! We have to leave-"

"No," He placed the device over his daughter's head and strapped it onto her chest. "You have to leave."

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