Fathers' Day

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Willow was reading in the console room; it was a classic novel and one of her favourites: The War of The Worlds. Technically speaking it's more of an invasion than a war because the aliens win in a sense. It was a fantastic book, lost count on how many times she had read it though.

Whilst she was reading, the Doctor was busy whizzing around the console as if he was changing its settings or something. Rose was talking to Jackie on the phone outside, talking about her dad.

Pete Tyler was an average man who loved his family so much. Willow may have just been his niece, but he always treated her like she was his daughter. She knew now he was only practising for Rose when she was older. He never truly loved her as his own, it felt like it when she was three-years-old; however.

He died on the same day as Stuart and Sara's wedding, friends of Jackie and Willow's mother; she was the flower girl. They originally thought Pete hadn't shown up, but they later found out that he had been killed in a hit and run. Willow somehow understood what had happened though. When she saw his dead body, she started to cry like it was the end of the world. Rose barely even knew him. He was never given a chance to become a good father to his daughter.

She had always blamed herself for that day because Willow felt that she took some of Rose's childhood away; she had stolen her father. From then on, she knew then and there that she could never forgive herself.



A young Willow and her parents knocked on the door of the Tylers' flat, she jumped up and down with excitement whilst her mother tried to calm her daughter down. She grinned when the door opened to reveal her uncle, Pete.

He gazed down at her. "Hey there, Princess."

"Uncle Pete!" She shouted, jumping on him. He picked her up with his strong, muscular arms. Pete planted a kiss on her cheeks, turning towards Willow's mother who happened to be checking her watch.

"Morning, Susanne." He commented.

"Pete," She nodded. "I'll be back around 3."

Her mother always seemed a bit uncertain around him, as if he had done something to her. Although, Willow never considered the possibilities or took notice of it.

Pete closed the door and carried her inside. "Hey Jackie! Look who's here." He shouted to a pregnant Jackie as she wandered into the living room.

She smiled and took a hold of her niece. "Hello, darling." She kissed her cheek, but she wiped it off in disgust. Jackie laughed in surprise. "What a cutie you are!"

She sat Willow down on the sofa next to Pete. She giggled as Pete put his arm around her and started to tickle her.

"Come on now, Pete!" Jackie chuckled. "Let's not torture her."

The young girl pointed at her belly and laughed once more. "Big belly!"

Jackie grinned, settling down next to her. "There's a baby in here, you know."

A look of confusion grew on her face. "Baby?"

"A little baby girl." He tapped Jackie's bump. "She's going to pop out soon."

Willow's eyes widened. "Auntie's belly going to explode!" She cried.

Jackie and Pete simply cackled in return. Willow was bewildered, how were they not bothered?

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