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Willow woke Rose up and they both got changed, then having breakfast in the kitchen. They wandered into the console room to see the Doctor staring at the screen once more.

"Where's that signal coming from?" He muttered whilst stroking his head.

"What signal?" She asked.

He snapped out of his state of mind when he noticed them standing in the room. "Sorry. Something's wrong." He said with concern.

They heard the TARDIS land, the Doctor strolled outside as Rose and Willow followed. The young blonde looked around "So what is it? What's wrong?"

"Don't know. Some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course." He replied.

Willow couldn't see much through the dim lighting; only glass cabinets neatly arranged in rows. She couldn't see what was inside them, however. "Where are we?" She queried.

"Earth. Utah, North America. About half a mile underground."

"Ok and when are we?" Willow rephrased.

The Doctor eyed one of the glass cabinets. "Two thousand and twelve."

"God, that's so close. So, I should be twenty six." Rose mentioned with surprise.

"I'm 30 years old! I have it worse!" She joked. "You really did promise me the future."

She noticed the Doctor looking at the wall. He flicked a switch and, all of a sudden, light flooded the long hallway. Willow saw the room grow bigger as every light turned on. Glass cabinets lined the entire area. She glanced into one and she become aware that what she was looking at was not from Earth.

"Blimey. It's a great big museum." Rose cried in disbelief.

"An alien museum." The Doctor commented. "Someone's got a hobby. They must have spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust. That's the milometer from the Roswell spaceship."

"That's a bit of Slitheen!" Willow turned around to find Rose pointing at the arm of a Slitheen. "That's a Slitheen's arm. It's been stuffed."

"Oh, look at you." The Doctor was staring at a metal head with handlebars. It looked like it had been ripped off.

"What is it?" questioned Willow.

"An old friend of mine. Well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit." He stared at the head intensely. "I'm getting old."

Rose wandered over to Willow's side. "Is that where the signal's coming from?"

"No, it's stone dead. The signal's alive. Something's reaching out, calling for help."

"That sounds horrible." Willow said in disgust.

The Doctor reached out to touch the exhibit. He pressed his hand against the glass and, like a button being pushed, the alarms went off. A group of armed guards rushed to each side of the room; cutting off their exit back to the TARDIS and pointing their guns at them.

"If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A." said Rose sarcastically.


They were escorted down a corridor by the guards. Willow heard a tannoy overhead declare. "Attention all personnel. Bad Wolf One descending. Bad Wolf One descending."

Who chose the name Bad Wolf?

The guards led them to a red-haired woman who then guided us up a lift and into an office.

"And this is the last. Paid eight hundred thousand dollars for it." Willow heard a British man say. He was showing another man what looked like another alien artefact.

The Girl Who Forgot | doctor who (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now