Insanity Or Reality

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It was strange, living with Jackie. She always made Willow a nice coffee in the mornings and in the evenings, they would watch a soap opera where Jackie would always shout at the TV.

She was sleeping on the sofa as Rose's bedroom was for her and it wouldn't feel right to sleep in her bed, while she was out anyway.

It wasn't as comfortable as a bed, but it was still good to sleep on. Every night she would always hope that this was just a horrible dream and that she'll wake up safe and sound in her bedroom with her mother and father beside her. Too bad reality exists.

The only dreams she had were always set in the magical world she made up in her head. Some of them would be in the middle of some sort of war while others would be with Koschei.

She hadn't told anyone because they're just dreams. It's purely a form of escapism.


Before she went to sleep, Willow travelled into the kitchen to get some water to drink. Jackie was still watching the last moments of a TV soap.

"You know you could become an actor," Jackie suggested. "They pay good money."

"I would if I were any good at acting." She removed the jug from the fridge. "Maybe I should give song writing a chance again. I used to sing all the time."

"Oh I can remember when you and Rose made that little band when you were seven. Bless!" She recalled, chuckling.

"Where is Rose?" wondered Willow.

"I got a call from her today. Said she's somewhere." She flicked her hand at the TV, annoyed by a character. "How dare you do that to a woman!"

Willow giggled under her as Jackie switched off the TV, soon storming out the living room. She finished washing up and set up her bed on the sofa. Lying on her soft pillow, she closed her eyes and let her imagination flow.


On a balcony in the Citadel. The burnt orange sky above shining through. She saw Koschei with his head on the wall banging it over and over again.

Raven ran over to him but, upon noticing her, her stepped away. "Listen to me Koschei! I can help you! Just calm down!" She begged.

"NO!" He stomped his feet, pushing her away before clenching his head again.

"Can't you hear it, Raven? Can't you?" He pleaded.

"Hear what?"

He grabbed her arms, digging his fingers into her skin. "The drumming!"

Koschei tightened his grip as Raven struggled to escape. "Please, let go! You're hurting me!"

"The never-ending drums. The call to WAR!" He exclaimed.

Eventually, she broke free from him, causing her to lose balance and fall onto the floor. He continued to ramble to himself. "Koschei, whatever they've done to you I can help-" She cried, slowly getting up.

"My name is not KOSCHEI!" He bellowed, climbing up onto the balcony. Koschei glanced down at the city, the tiny people below. "Not anymore! Throughout galaxies, solar systems and different universes there will be only one name they will know!" Raven struggled to hold back tears as she observed her only friend be consumed by his rage. "And that name-" He turned to her. "Is The Master!"

He laughed and muttered "drumming" every few seconds. They did something to him. A darkness inside of him grew as he lost his mind and the girl he thought he loved.


She woke up, sweating and panting increasingly. She felt her heartbeat pulsing as if it were going to explode.

Then, in the darkness of the kitchen, she noticed a tall figure lurking. Willow's eyes adjusted to the darkness, realising in horror that it was Koschei, the man she saw in her dreams. He grinned evilly at her.

The dream man started to edge closer as Willow scrambled for the light switch. She flicked it and light flooded the room. Willow glanced back, noticing he was gone. In an instant, she regained the ability to breathe once more. It was simply a figment of her imagination.

However, when turning back, she was met with a harrowing face. "Can't you hear it?" He asked.


Willow woke up once again, checking whether or not she was still dreaming. She felt her blood pressure rising as she drastically checked every nook and cranny for him. Alas, he was nowhere to be seen. It was just a dream.

She leaned back, trying to head back to sleep even if she had the scare of her life. It didn't leave her thoughts though, it was still fresh in her mind like a memory.


This was just an interlude to fill in 'The End of the World' and 'The Unquiet Dead'.

So Koschei is The Master! I can't wait to get to Series 3 because it will be like a reunion! Not a good one though!

So is Willow ready to meet the Doctor?

- Alice ❤

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