The Parting of the Ways

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The end has come. Some will die, but some will survive. Some will leave, while others will stay. The Doctor must choose: Is he a coward or a killer?


Willow stood at the side of the ship, hoping not to interfere. She gazed around the complex infrastructure, while She tugged on my dark blue fleece for comfort. The light didn't help at all, it made her clothes look lighter than they should be; it even affected her hair. Her skin was paler than usual, the bronze metal around her changed everything.

A Dalek approached her once again, questioning what the Doctor might do. "You know the Doctor. You understand him. You will predict his actions." It demanded.

She shook her head, defying their order. "I don't know! And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

"Predict! Predict! Predict!" It screamed, using enforcement.

The Dalek turned around to hear what the other one had to say. "TARDIS detected in flight."

"Launch missiles. Exterminate."

She gasped a little, knowing the TARDIS won't survive that impact. "You can't! The TARDIS hasn't got any defences. You're going to kill him."

"You have predicted correctly." That's what they wanted; they wanted her to predict and they made her without realising.

" That's what they wanted; they wanted her to predict and they made her without realising

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"We've got incoming!" Jack bellowed as the missiles edged closer to the ship. However, the Doctor, Rose and Jack had one thing the Daleks didn't see coming: protective shielding.

As the missiles crashed into the ship, the ship convulsed a little and set off a huge explosion in the vacuum of space. Yet, it was merely a simple illusion that would make the Daleks think they've won.

"The extrapolator's working. We've got a fully functional forcefield." He looked in Rose's casual direction. "Try saying that when you're drunk."

The Doctor smiled. "And for my next trick." He flicked a few buttons, causing them to enter the Dalek ship and materialise there.


Suddenly, wind came out of the walls and a well-known sound along with it. The walls shifted into the inside of the TARDIS. She noticed the Doctor, slowly fading in. The wind ceased, but it seemed the Doctor wasn't exactly in the best mood. "Willow, get down!" He ordered, confounding her. "Get down, Willow!" Looking in the corner of her eye, she saw the Dalek guarding her.

Quickly, Willow ducked down, just before it fired. All she could heard was its laser bursting out of its gun, however, another gun shot rang through and there was a sudden explosion. She stared up at the Dalek, who was now in pieces of burnt metal and goo.

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