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Rose went to unpack in her room while the Doctor showed Willow the TARDIS and where she'd be staying. It was bigger than she expected. It seemed bigger than the Earth entirely. There was a swimming pool with ten water-slides, a restaurant and even a playground in case any kids were aboard she guessed. It was magnificent.

"Down this hall are many rooms even I haven't explored! It's fantastic!" He grew ecstatic by the minute.

"How far does this ship go?" Willow asked.

"It's infinite." He stated.

"How long are we going to be walking then?"

"Not long." He looked at her. "Just showing you the basics."

She wondered for a moment. "Do you have a library?"

He grinned and took her hand, strolling through the corridors. His hand was so soft, it felt like nothing. They stopped outside a wooden door. He raised his hand over her eyes, making sure Willow couldn't see.

She heard the door creak open as he led her inside and sat her down on a wooden stool. Willow opened my eyes, light poured through as she saw thousands of books stacked on every shelf and a bright burning fireplace with reaching embers climbing out. It was beautiful.

The Doctor wandered in and started throwing each and every book onto both the table and chairs. "Wonderful. Isn't it?" He said. "A world of books right here to explore."

She couldn't help but grin, amazed by the complexity of the room. "It's incredible."

"First editions of Charles Dickens' novels and signed copies of Agatha Christie's." He read, tossing them off the shelves.

"It's amazing!" Unexpectedly, she ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug. "Thank you."

"I'm not really a hugger but alright!" He grabbed her in a tight embrace, happy.

All of a sudden, he released his grip as she noticed him looking at his sonic screwdriver, alerted about something. His face turned into a frown.

"Oh no, no, NO!" He ran out the door. For a second, Willow thought he rushed off until returning a little bit later. "Sorry! A black hole just opened and is about to suck in three planets." He shook his screwdriver at her. "Gotta dash!"

He ran out the room once more, leaving her with only books to keep her company. Willow sat down on one of the chairs and grabbed a book from the pile. 'The Famous Five' it said; an easy and classic book.


She found her room eventually. Nice and cosy. It reminded Willow of her old room when she still lived with her parents. When she was Year 9, she decided to be creative and splatter paint all over, similar to the wall decoration in the TARDIS; the walls were white with streaks of purple dotted all around.

Willow guessed the TARDIS found the design from her memories; Rose mentioned that it can get inside your head. Suddenly, a soft hum came from all around, bewildering her.

Did it just respond?

She quickly left the room, going down the hallway into the main console room where the Doctor was buzzing around, flicking buttons. Willow coughed, drawing attention to herself. He turned around to look at her, smiling again. "Hello!"

Willow wandered up to the console. "You know, you never said who exactly you are."

"I said that I'm a Doctor and an alien-"

"That's all?" She questioned. "I mean what species? Where are you from? What's your mystery, Doctor?"

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "You ask a lot of questions."

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