Boom Town

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A certain Slitheen has reappeared in the lives of the Doctor, Rose, Willow and Mickey. However, it seems that everyone is having their own relationship difficulties.


Surfing through the Time Vortex, the group ultimately landed at their correct destination; the city of Cardiff in Wales. Rose was busy texting and calling Mickey, over and over again. She wanted him to come and see her, mainly because Willow persuaded her to after the numerous men she had wooed over their time travelling through space.

Also, Willow's new credit card would have arrived by now, so she asked Mickey to get it from Jackie. She was in serious need of some new outfits.

"CARDIFF!" The Doctor shouted, ready to refuel the TARDIS. Jack was helping with some of the cleaning and maintenance, whilst Willow was working on the TARDIS with the Doctor. Her cousin ran back in with excitement, knowing that Mickey was coming.

"So, who's Mickey?" Jack asked with a hint of jealousy.

Still smiling, Rose replied with happiness. "My boyfriend!"

"Wait, I thought that you were interested in several men, including me."

"Well," She shrugged. "I dabble." Rose laughed like a clueless nutcase and danced around the room for a bit.

The Doctor climbed up a ladder with a torch to investigate a technical difficulty. Willow stood by the console, watching him from below.

"Nice arse." She thought to herself in her mind.

Abruptly, there was a sharp knock at the door, leading Jack to answer it. "Who the hell are you?" He demanded in a sharp tone.

She faintly heard the voice of an idiot, coming from outside. "What do you mean, who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?"

"Captain Jack Harkness. Whatever your selling, we're not buying." He said with sarcasm.

"Get out of my way!" With that comment, Mickey barged inside the TARDIS, to the surprise of Jack and the Doctor.

The Doctor peered down from above. "Here comes trouble! How're you doing, Ricky boy?" He joked, using the 'Ricky' joke again.

"It's Mickey!" He said as Rose came up to console to meet him.

She went up to hug him in happiness. "Don't listen to him, he's winding you up."

"Hey, Mickey." Willow grinned pointing out her hand. "Credit card, please?" He complied, handing it to her in response. "Thank you!"

"You look fantastic." He commented, talking to Rose again.

They hugged once more as the Doctor stepped down from his ladder, watching in curiosity. While Jack rolled his eyes in disgust. "Aw, sweet, look at these two. How come I never get any of that?" He asked in sadness.

"Buy me a drink first." The Doctor winked at him. Boys from the future, always hitting on each other.

"You're such hard work."

"But worth it."

Laughing, Willow decided to make a joke of her own. "Oh, boys and their toys."

"Did you manage to find it?" She queried Mickey in delight.

He handed her a passport. "There you go."

She turned to the Doctor in excitement. "I can go anywhere now."

"I told you, you don't need a passport."

"It's all very well going to Platform One and Justicia and the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon, but what if we end up in Brazil? I might need it. You see, I'm prepared for anything."

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